DELHI - Oct 22/99 - STAT -- Poorly timed rains from this year's monsoon season will prevent soybean output from advancing past 5.2 million MT, down from last year's 5.9 million MT harvest, believes the Soyabean Processors Association (SOPA).
Though the monsoon ended up being considered normal in most parts of the country, an positive factor for the rabi season crop outlook, the kharif, or monsoon season soybean crop was planted in dry soils and then hit with badly timed October rainfall.
Crops in Madya Pradesh, which produces 75% of India's soybeans, are expected to end up 15% below expectations because of these weather patterns. However, these problems are partly offset by increased production in Maharashtra, which hopes to harvest 50,000 MT more soybeans than last year at 1.09 million MT.
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