PANAMA - Feb 7/25 - SNS -- North American field pea markets closed out the weeks trading on a somewhat easier note amid seasonally slower shipping demand.
Though yellow peas with on board bills of lading dated on or before February 28 can enter the country duty free, sales had already slowed.
Moreover, most market participants doubt there will be further extensions, partly because of optimistic rabi season yield forecasts along with perceptions cheaper pea imports have hurt prices offered to the country's farmers for chickpeas.
PANAMA - Jan 31/25 - SNS -- International lentil markets finished the week's trading with a slightly easier undertone against expectations of a slower pace of export movement until the arrival of new crop product from northern hemisphere shippers.
At the same time, there is a growing doubt that India will allow duty free imports of red lentils after the current March 31 deadline.
That country is optimistic about this year's rabi season lentil yields and worried imports will interfere with efforts to encourage farmers to expand land in pulses during the calendar year.