STAT Communications Ag Market News

COLUMBIA - Feb 5/16 - SNS -- The USDA today released its week ending summary of corn, soybean and …

SIOUX FALLS - Feb 5/16 - SNS -- Weekly summary of ethanol and Distiller Grains with Solubles (DGS) …

DES MOINES - Feb 5/16 - SNS -- Week ending summary of ethanol corn and co-products processing values …

MOSES LAKE - Feb 5/16 - SNS -- The latest weekly hay market update for northern California bal;ed …

JACKSON - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- USDA summary of soybean, wheat and corn bids at country elevators across …

SIOUX FALLS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- The USDA released its daily summary of wheat, corn, soybean, oat and …

BILLINGS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- USDA review of closing elevator bids in Montana for wheat, durum, feed …

SPRINGFIELD - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Producer bids and basis levels for corn, soybean and wheat delivered …

GREELEY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Daily updated cash grain bids for corn, wheat, sorghum and millet delivered …

SPRINGFIELD - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum bids compiled by the USDA and Illinois …

MINNEAPOLIS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Sunflower, canola and flaxssed bids are summarized for North Dakota, …

MINNEAPOLIS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- The USDA today released its weekly update of Minnepolis grain and …

ST. JOSEPH - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- The USDA this afternoon released its latest daily summary of grain …

TORRINGTON - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Cash grain bids for wheat, corn, millet, soybeans and sunflower seed …

RICHMOND - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Daily cash grain market summary for wheat,corn, barley and soybeans at …

PORTLAND - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Bids for corn, soybeans and wheat delivered to various port locations …

SPRINGFIELD - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Bid levels for corn delivered to processors in central Illinois and …

RALEIGH - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Daily summary of corn, soybean and wheat bids to growers in North Carolina. …

JEFFERSON CITY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Cash grain bid summary for soybean, wheat, corn and sorghum delivered …

GREELEY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Cash grain bids for corn, wheat, and barley …

DODGE CITY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- USDA daily summary of regular, NuSun and confectionary sunflower seed …

JEFFERSON CITY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Cash grain bid summary for Missouri growers of soybean, wheat, …

DODGE CITY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- USDA daily summary of elevator bids for wheat, corn, sorgum, soybean …

PORTLAND - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Week ending market summary for barley, corn, wheat and sorghum delivered …

MINNEAPOLIS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Offered prices for truck lot quantities of corn and soybeans delivered …

KEARNEY - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Country elevator bids for wheat, corn, soybean and sorghum compiled by …

MINNEAPOLIS - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Daily corn and soybean bid levels on a delivered barge terminal basis …

SPRINGFIELD - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Bid levels for soybeans delivered to processors in central Illinois …

SPRINGFIELD - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- The USDA today released its weekly summary of indicative soybean crush …

PORTLAND - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Part one of the USDA's week ending summary of price and export trade …

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