SPRINGFIELD - Dec 7/04 - SNS -- Bid levels for soybeans delivered to processors in central Illinois and asking prices for crude oil, meal and soybean hulls.
Central Illinois Soybean Processor report Central Illinois Processor Bids and Offers as of 2:30 p.m. (Prices Quoted-Oil Cents/lb, Meal, Hulls Dollars/ton, Grains Dollars/bu) Offers Change Basis Change Crude Soybean Oil 21.62-21.87 DN 0.31 175f to 200f UNCH 48% Soybean Meal R 151.10-160.10 DN 3.2 -5f to 4f UNCH 48% Soybean Meal T 154.10-164.10 DN 3.2 -2f to 8f UNCH Soybean Hulls-bulk 50.00-65.00 UNCH Bids Change Basis Change Soybeans 5.2200-5.3900 DN 7.75-DN 0.75 Opt to 17f UNCH-UP 7 Changes in oil are cents per pound, changes in meals/hulls are dollars per ton, changes in soybeans are cents per bushel. Soybeans = US 1 Yellow; Soybean Meal R = Rail, T = Truck Chicago Board of Trade month symbols: F January, H March, K May, N July, Q August, U September, V October, X November, Z December Source: USDA-Illinois Dept of Ag Market News Springfield, IL
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