DES MOINES - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Closing U.S. national hog market conditions and values were released by the USDA this afternoon.
NATIONAL DAILY DIRECT AFTERNOON HOG REPORT PLANT DELIVERED PURCHASE DATA FOR Thursday, February 4, 2016 (As of 1:30 PM) CURRENT VOLUME BY PURCHASE TYPE BARROWS & GILTS LIVE AND CARCASS BASIS Estimated Actual Actual Actual Today Today Week Ago Year Ago Producer Sold Negotiated 12,503 10,304 7,134 10,878 Other Market Formula 22,402 16,468 37,734 14,930 Swine or Pork Market Formula 166,506 90,157 83,209 75,903 Other Purchase Arrangement 39,794 15,445 16,015 26,829 Packer Sold (all purchase types) 17,543 7,576 7,325 8,055 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEGOTIATED PURCHASE (Including Packer Sold) Barrows & Gilts (carcass basis): 7,917 Compared to the prior day, on a plant by plant basis, weighted average base prices were 2.00 lower to 2.28 higher, market trend not well established. Slow market activity with light demand. Compared to Prior Day's closing weighted average (LM_HG200), 0.46 higher Base Price Rng $54.00 - $63.00, Wtd Avg $61.12, 5 Day Rolling Avg $60.52 Base Price is the price from which no discounts are subtracted and no premiums are added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL DAILY DIRECT NEGOTIATED HOG PURCHASE MATRIX REPRESENTING INDIVIDUAL PACKER CARCASS MERIT BUYING PROGRAMS based on both Fat and Muscle Measurements for a 200 lb Carcass Basis LOIN AREA/DEPTH (INCHES) BF 4.0/ 1.4 5.0/ 1.7 6.0/ 2.0 7.0/ 2.3 8.0/ 2.7 0.4 57.00 65.00 58.50 66.50 59.50 66.50 60.50 68.00 61.00 68.59 0.5 54.00 63.50 57.00 65.00 59.50 65.69 60.00 66.93 61.00 68.59 0.6 54.00 63.50 57.00 63.50 58.50 65.00 59.50 65.75 60.50 67.41 0.7 54.00 62.00 54.00 62.08 57.00 63.50 59.50 64.57 60.00 66.22 0.8 53.00 61.00 54.00 62.00 57.00 62.14 58.50 63.38 60.00 65.04 0.9 53.00 59.00 54.00 61.00 54.00 61.00 57.00 62.20 59.50 63.86 1.0 51.00 59.00 53.00 59.00 54.00 59.77 57.00 61.01 58.50 62.67 1.1 50.00 57.00 53.00 57.05 54.00 59.00 54.00 59.54 58.50 61.50 1.2 50.00 55.00 51.00 55.27 53.00 57.00 54.00 57.76 57.00 60.00 1.4 46.34 49.50 47.58 53.00 48.82 54.00 50.07 56.00 51.72 57.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARCASS WEIGHT DIFFERENTIALS 145# -30.00 -5.92 175# -3.00 2.25 205# -4.73 4.50 155# -30.00 0.00 185# 0.00 4.00 215# -4.73 4.25 165# -15.00 0.00 195# -1.18 4.50 225# -4.73 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUREMENTS BASED ON SLAUGHTER DATA SUBMITTED 5-Day Rolling Average Market Hog: 205.14 lb carcass, 0.69 inch back-fat, 7.11 square inch loin/2.37 inch loin depth, FFLI: 52.31% Price Range $59.50 - $64.57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWINE OR PORK MARKET FORMULA PURCHASE (Including Packer Sold) Barrows & Gilts (carcass basis): 91,572 Base Price Range $57.13 - $73.27, Weighted Average $60.81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEGOTIATED PURCHASE (Including Packer Sold) Barrows & Gilts (live basis, 240-320 lbs): 1,933 Compared to Prior Day's closing weighted average (LM_HG200), 0.39 lower Price Rng $44.00 - $48.00, Wtd Avg $46.73, 5 Day Rolling Avg $46.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARROWS & GILTS PURCHASE BY STATE OF ORIGIN Canada 1,960 Iowa 52,740 Illinois 8,946 Indiana 13,217 Kansas 140 Kentucky 3,127 Michigan 3,281 Minnesota 28,107 Missouri 215 North Carolina 1,806 Nebraska 9,096 New York 350 Ohio 11,239 Pennsylvania 2,609 South Carolina 661 South Dakota 889 Tennessee 985 Wisconsin 816 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: USDA Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News Division, Des Moines, IA
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