LOS ANGELES - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Daily trading levels for fresh sub-tropical fruits and vegetables on terminal markets here were summarized by the USDA today.
Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Market News, Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (213) 894-3077 Fax: (213) 894-2898 HC_FV056 WEATHER AT 7:00 A.M.: Clear 47 YESTERDAY'S HIGH: 65 MISC TROPICAL FRUIT AND VEG ---ALOE LEAVES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 30 lb cartons MX 14.00-15.00 occas higher (22-24 count) ---BANANA FLOWERS: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 35-40 lb containers MX 20.00-24.00 mostly 22.00 occas higher ---CAPE GOOSEBERRIES (PHYSALIS): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons 12 3.5-oz baskets CB AIR 22.50 cartons 12 5.6-oz containers with lids CB AIR Without Husk 28.00 (containers marked 6 oz) ---CHAYOTE: MARKET STEADY. 40 lb containers MX 12.00-14.00 mostly 13.00 occas higher and lower 40 lb reusable plastic containers (RPC) MX Prickly Type 14.00-15.00 occas higher cartons MX 24s 7.00-9.00 mostly 8.00 occas higher ---COCONUTS: OFFERINGS YOUNG TYPE LIGHT. MARKET STEADY. 44 lb cartons MX Fresh 20s 19.00-22.00 mostly 20.00-22.00 occas higher 45 lb cartons MX Dry 20s 16.00-19.00 mostly 17.00-18.00 occas higher and lower cartons TL Young Type 9s 9.00-11.00 mostly 10.00-10.50 ---DRAGON FRUIT (RED PITAYA): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 10 lb cartons VN AIR White Flesh 30.00-38.00 occas higher ---GALANGA (SIAM, THAI GINGER): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 30 lb containers per lb HI BOAT 3.00-3.20 occas high as 4.00 ---GINGER ROOT: OFFERINGS HAWAII VERY LIGHT. MARKET STEADY. 30 lb cartons CQ BOAT 12.00-15.00 mostly 14.00 occas higher HI 40.00-42.00 ---JACKFRUIT: OFFERINGS LIGHT. miscellaneous containers per lb MX .65-.85 mostly .75-.80 occas higher ---JICAMA: MARKET STEADY. 38-40 lb containers MX 12.00-14.00 mostly 12.50-13.00 occas lower ---RAMBUTAN: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 5 lb cartons GU 22.00 ---SAPOTE: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons/flats 1 layer CA White Flesh 18s offerings insufficient to quote ---TAMARINDO: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons per lb MX 1.40-1.90 mostly 1.50-1.70 occas higher and lower 30 lb cartons TL Sweet 42.00-45.00 cartons 16 1-lb packages TL 34.00-36.00 Sweet 34.00-36.00 ---TARO: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 30 lb cartons CQ Eddoes 23.00-26.00 36 lb cartons CR Eddoes 23.00-29.00 occas higher 40 lb cartons EC Eddoes 30.00-33.00 mostly 30.00-32.00 45 lb containers MX Dasheen (Coco, Islena) 16.00-18.00 mostly 18.00 ---TEPEGUAJE (GUAJE): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 20 lb containers per lb MX Green 1.80-2.20 ---TOMATILLOS: MARKET STEADY. 10 lb cartons per lb Local Repack .40-.50 occas lower 40 lb containers per lb MX .30-.40 mostly .35-.40 occas lower cartons/crates per lb MX Milpero .60-.70 ---TUMERIC: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons/crates per lb FI Orange Type 3.00-3.20 occas higher ---YAMS (NAMES): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 50 lb cartons CR Blanca 34.00-36.00 ---YUCA (CASSAVA): OFFERINGS LIGHT. 40 lb cartons CR 18.00-22.00 mostly 20.00
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