ST. JOSEPH - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- The USDA this afternoon released its latest daily summary of grain market conditions in that country.
Daily National Grain Market Summary Grains all closed lower on Thursday as good growing conditions and chance of rain in South America continue to keep some pressure on the e grains. Wheat closed 6-8 3/4 cents lower. Corn traded 2-4 1/2 cents lower. Soybeans closed mostly 2 1/4 cents lower. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO TRUCK BIDS: 02/04/16 02/03/16 02/05/15 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 4.41 3/4 dn 8 3/4 5.64 Minneapolis 5.09 1/2 dn 6 5.94 Portland (SWW) 5.32-5.37 3/4 up 9-dn 7 1/4 n/a St. Louis (SRW) 4.79-4.82 dn 6 5.25-5.37 Corn, US No 2 Yellow: Kansas City 3.68 1/2-3.73 1/2 dn 2 1/2 3.75 1/2-3.77 1/2 Minneapolis N/B n/a 3.58 1/2 So. Iowa 3.54-3.61 1/2 dn 4 1/2-2 1/2 3.75 1/2-3.77 1/2 Omaha 3.57-3.61 dn 2 3.73-3.75 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 8.74 1/2-8.79 1/2 dn 2 1/4 9.86 1/4 Minneapolis N/B n/a 9.26 1/4 So. Iowa 8.63-8.64 1/2 dn 2 3/4-2 1/4 9.61 1/4-9.74 1/4 Cent. Il Processor 8.81 1/2-8.89 1/2 dn 2 1/4 9.87 1/4-9.98 1/4 FUTURES: Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 4.59 3/4 dn 8 3/4 5.64 Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 4.94 1/2 dn 6 5.79 Chicago (Mar) Wheat 4.72 3/4 dn 7 1/4 5.15 3/4 Chicago (Mar) Corn 3.68 1/2 dn 2 1/2 3.85 1/4 Chicago (Mar) Soybeans 8.74 1/2 dn 2 1/4 9.81 1/4 *EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat Ord Protein: 5.14 3/4-5.19 3/4 dn 8 3/4 6.54-6.69 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat 5.27 3/4-5.30 3/4 dn 7 1/4 5.95 3/4-6.05 3/4 US 2 Corn Barge 4.12 1/2-4.15 1/2 dn 4 1/2-2 1/2 4.43 1/4-4.44 1/4 US 2 Sorghum Rail 7.56 1/4-7.65 1/4 dn 4 1/2 9.38-10.45 Barge N/A n/a 10.71 3/4-10.89 1/2 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 9.32 1/2-9.37 1/2 up 3/4-dn 2 1/4 10.58 1/4-10.64 1/4 SOURCE: USDA- MO Dept OF Ag Market News Service, St. Joseph, MO
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