STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Honey Output Rose 11% In 2023

WASHINGTON - Mar 15/24 - SNS -- Honey production in the United States totaled 139 million pounds last year, up 11% from 2022, according to the USDA.

There were 2.51 million colonies producing honey in 2023, down 6% from 2022. Yield per colony averaged 55.2 pounds, up 17% from 2022. Colonies which produced honey in more than one State were counted in each State where the honey was produced. Therefore, at the United States level yield per colony may be understated, but total production would not be impacted. Colonies were not included if honey was not harvested.

Producer honey stocks were 44.0 million pounds on December 15, 2023, up 90% from a year earlier. Stocks held by producers exclude those held under the commodity loan program.

United States honey prices decreased 16% during 2023 to $2.52 per pound, compared to $3.01 per pound in 2022. United States and State level prices reflect the portions of honey sold through cooperatives, private, and retail channels. Prices for each color class are derived by weighting the quantities sold for each marketing channel. Prices for the 2022 crop reflect honey sold in 2022 and 2023. Some 2022 crop honey was sold in 2023, which caused some revisions to the 2022 crop prices.

Colonies, Yield, Production, Stocks, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2022
[Colonies which produced honey in more than one State were counted in each State]
                      :    Honey     :   Yield   :               :               :  Average  :    Value
         State        :  producing   :    per    :  Production   :    Stocks     : price per :      of
                      : colonies 1/  :  colony   :               :December 15 2/ : pound 3/  :production 4/
                      :    1,000        pounds        ---- 1,000 pounds ----        dollars   1,000 dollars
Alabama ..............:       10         40               400             84         4.80          1,920
Arizona ..............:       23         45             1,035            476         2.70          2,795
Arkansas .............:       20         56             1,120            426         2.70          3,024
California ...........:      305         38            11,590            811         2.69         31,177
Colorado .............:       31         42             1,302            339         3.35          4,362
Florida ..............:      210         35             7,350            368         3.27         24,035
Georgia ..............:      103         32             3,296             99         3.08         10,152
Idaho ................:       94         29             2,726            627         2.73          7,442
Illinois .............:       10         47               470            141         6.27          2,947
Indiana ..............:        9         63               567            261         4.74          2,688
Iowa .................:       48         51             2,448            710         3.06          7,491
Kansas ...............:        6         62               372            167         4.34          1,614
Kentucky .............:        7         36               252             68         6.12          1,542
Louisiana ............:       42         61             2,562            359         2.96          7,584
Maine ................:       10         23               230             64         6.40          1,472
Michigan .............:       82         41             3,362            706         3.04         10,220
Minnesota ............:      102         51             5,202            728         2.79         14,514
Mississippi ..........:       21         95             1,995             60         3.20          6,384
Missouri .............:        8         41               328            151         5.23          1,715
Montana ..............:      123         61             7,503          2,176         2.64         19,808
Nebraska .............:       34         44             1,496            598         2.89          4,323
New Jersey ...........:       16         39               624             62         4.26          2,658
New York .............:       54         53             2,862            916         3.82         10,933
North Carolina .......:       13         39               507            198         6.93          3,514
North Dakota .........:      520         60            31,200          4,680         2.60         81,120
Ohio .................:       19         66             1,254            464         3.52          4,414
Oregon ...............:       92         37             3,404          1,191         3.27         11,131
Pennsylvania .........:       23         46             1,058            487         5.59          5,914
South Carolina .......:       13         39               507             91         5.00          2,535
South Dakota .........:      185         39             7,215          2,814         2.57         18,543
Tennessee ............:        9         47               423            102         5.65          2,390
Texas ................:      157         53             8,321            166         3.27         27,210
Utah .................:       26         46             1,196            120         3.00          3,588
Vermont ..............:        6         47               282            121         6.75          1,904
Virginia .............:        7         38               266             45         7.94          2,112
Washington ...........:       86         32             2,752            660         3.18          8,751
West Virginia ........:        7         39               273             98         5.91          1,613
Wisconsin ............:       53         55             2,915            816         3.22          9,386
Wyoming ..............:       30         45             1,350            230         2.65          3,578
Other States 5/ 6/ ...:       53         63             3,316            501         4.03         13,363
United States 6/ 7/ ..:    2,667         47.0         125,331         23,181         3.01        377,246
1/ Honey producing colonies are the maximum number of colonies from which honey was harvested during the
   year. It is possible to harvest honey from colonies which did not survive the entire year.
2/ Stocks held by producers.
3/ Average price per pound based on expanded sales.
4/ Value of production is equal to production multiplied by average price per pound.
5/ Includes data for States not published in this table.
6/ Due to rounding, total colonies multiplied by total yield may not exactly equal production.
7/ United States value of production will not equal summation of States.
Colonies, Yield, Production, Stocks, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2023
[Colonies which produced honey in more than one State were counted in each State]
                      :    Honey     :   Yield   :               :               :  Average  :    Value
         State        :  producing   :    per    :  Production   :    Stocks     : price per :      of
                      : colonies 1/  :  colony   :               :December 15 2/ : pound 3/  :production 4/
                      :    1,000        pounds        ---- 1,000 pounds ----        dollars   1,000 dollars
Alabama ..............:       10         40               400            120         5.45          2,180
Arizona ..............:       34         42             1,428            600         2.23          3,184
Arkansas .............:       19         46               874            131         3.20          2,797
California ...........:      324         42            13,608          5,035         2.27         30,890
Colorado .............:       25         41             1,025            195         3.69          3,782
Florida ..............:      147         32             4,704            706         2.95         13,877
Georgia ..............:       77         33             2,541            152         3.43          8,716
Idaho ................:       92         32             2,944            442         1.63          4,799
Illinois .............:        9         49               441            146         7.05          3,109
Indiana ..............:        9         53               477            329         4.34          2,070
Iowa .................:       40         66             2,640            739         2.99          7,894
Kansas ...............:        5         52               260             86         5.41          1,407
Kentucky .............:       10         30               300             84         6.21          1,863
Louisiana ............:       32         45             1,440            101         3.90          5,616
Maine ................:       12         18               216             41         4.46            963
Michigan .............:       70         55             3,850            924         2.84         10,934
Minnesota ............:      106         58             6,148            861         1.99         12,235
Mississippi ..........:       19         42               798            367         3.02          2,410
Missouri .............:        9         43               387            101         4.81          1,861
Montana ..............:      114         85             9,690          3,392         2.00         19,380
Nebraska .............:       33         48             1,584            554         2.26          3,580
New Jersey ...........:       15         36               540             54         7.16          3,866
New York .............:       41         58             2,378            761         4.59         10,915
North Carolina .......:       11         44               484            179         6.02          2,914
North Dakota .........:      511         75            38,325          9,198         1.77         67,835
Ohio .................:       20         65             1,300            546         5.23          6,799
Oregon ...............:       90         37             3,330          1,099         2.71          9,024
Pennsylvania .........:       20         55             1,100            638         4.96          5,456
South Carolina .......:       11         52               572            114         4.53          2,591
South Dakota .........:      212         87            18,444         12,542         2.02         37,257
Tennessee ............:       12         40               480             77         6.00          2,880
Texas ................:      111         35             3,885            505         3.01         11,694
Utah .................:       24         42             1,008            202         1.92          1,935
Vermont ..............:        6         49               294             76         5.09          1,496
Virginia .............:        5         39               195             82         8.58          1,673
Washington ...........:       83         27             2,241            740         2.71          6,073
West Virginia ........:        6         51               306            177         6.35          1,943
Wisconsin ............:       62         45             2,790          1,004         3.02          8,426
Wyoming ..............:       27         78             2,106            400         1.64          3,454
Other States 5/ 6/ ...:       46         66             3,038            516         4.68         14,218
United States 6/ 7/ ..:    2,509         55.2         138,571         44,016         2.52        349,199
1/ Honey producing colonies are the maximum number of colonies from which honey was harvested during the
   year. It is possible to harvest honey from colonies which did not survive the entire year.
2/ Stocks held by producers.
3/ Average price per pound based on expanded sales.
4/ Value of production is equal to production multiplied by average price per pound.
5/ Includes data for States not published in this table.
6/ Due to rounding, total colonies multiplied by total yield may not exactly equal production.
7/ United States value of production will not equal summation of States.
Honey Price by Color Class - United States: 2022 and 2023
                                   :   Co-op and private   :        Retail         :          All
            Color class            :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   :   2022    :   2023    :   2022    :   2023    :   2022    :   2023
                                   :                           dollars per pound
Water white, extra white, white ...:   2.70        1.99        5.57        5.87        2.81        2.09
Extra light amber .................:   2.66        2.17        5.62        5.78        2.78        2.33
Light amber, amber, dark amber ....:   2.87        2.63        6.09        6.78        3.23        3.20
All other honey, area specialties .:   3.41        3.08        7.91        8.51        4.16        4.30
All honey .........................:   2.77        2.23        6.02        6.55        3.01        2.52
Income and Expenditures - United States: 2022 and 2023
[Represents income and expenditures on the total number of
colonies, regardless of whether honey was harvested]
               Item              :     2022      :     2023
                                 :         1,000 dollars
Income                           :
Pollination income ..............:    241,042         254,945
Other income 1/ .................:     55,188          57,720
Expenditures                     :
Varroa control and treatment ....:     13,724          15,112
Other colony issues 2/ ..........:      5,096           4,967
Feed 3/ .........................:     44,517          46,868
Foundation ......................:      6,934           5,753
Hives/woodenware ................:     10,835          10,496
1/ Includes sales of queens, queen cells, beeswax, propolis,
2/ Includes Nosema, tracheal mites, foulbrood, paralysis,
   Kashmir, cloudy wing, etc.
3/ Includes syrup, sugar water, honey, pollen patties, and other
Queen, Package, and Nuc Prices Paid - United States:
2022 and 2023
[Represents prices paid on the total number of colonies,
regardless of whether honey was harvested]
               Item              :     2022      :     2023
                                 :            dollars
Queen ...........................:       22              19
Package .........................:       98              91
Nuc .............................:      129             120
Apiary Workers - United States: 2022 and 2023
[Represents number of paid and unpaid workers that worked with
colonies, regardless of whether honey was harvested]
               Item              :     2022      :     2023
                                 :            workers
Apiary workers ..................:    25,000          25,000

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