STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Field Pea Seeding Progress -- Jun 17, 2024

  USA - Field Pea Seeding Progress -- Jun 17, 2024
                                (per cent planted)
Seeding Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Idaho                   100        100        100        100
Montana                 100        100        100        100
N Dakota                 97         94         96         94
Oregon                  100        100        100        100
Washington              100        100        100        100
United States            93         92         90         88

USA - Implied Field Pea Area Sown (acres) Seeding Progress This Week Last Week Last Year Average Idaho 18,000 18,000 19,000 29,000 Montana 570,000 570,000 580,000 547,000 N Dakota 271,600 263,200 259,200 285,760 Oregon 3,000 3,000 4,100 3,460 Washington 58,000 58,000 14,000 20,600 United States 920,600 912,200 876,300 885,820
USA - Field Pea Crop Condition-- Jun 17, 2024 (per cent) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Idaho 0 2 74 24 0 Montana 1 1 28 69 1 N Dakota 0 2 11 80 7 Oregon 0 5 25 36 33 Washington 0 7 15 37 15 United States 1 2 23 70 4
USA - Implied Field Pea Area By Condition (acres) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Idaho 0 360 13,320 4,320 0 Montana 5,700 5,700 159,600 393,300 5,700 N Dakota 0 5,600 30,800 224,000 19,600 Oregon 0 150 750 1,080 990 Washington 0 4,060 8,700 21,460 8,700 United States 5,700 15,870 213,170 644,160 34,990 BASED on state crop reports.

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