STAT Communications Ag Market News

Moderate Gain In U.S. Rice Area

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Area planted to rice in 2024 is estimated at 2.94 million acres, up 2% from 2023, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Area for harvest is forecast at 2.90 million acres, up 2% from last year. Acres planted to long grain are estimated to increase by 10% from the previous year. Planted acreage in Arkansas, the largest long grain rice-producing State, is estimated to decrease by 1% from the previous year.

Nationally, medium grain planted acres are estimated to decrease by 21% from 2023. California, the largest medium and short grain-producing State, is estimated to decrease medium grain acres by 2% but increase short grain planted acres by 33%. If realized, medium grain planted area in Missouri will be tied for a record high.

Short grain area, estimated at 21,000 acres for the Nation, is up 31%, or 5,000 acres, compared to the previous year.

Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class - States and United States:
2023 and 2024
 Class and State:         Area planted          :        Area harvested
                :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                :                          1,000 acres
Long grain      :
Arkansas .......:     1,220           1,320           1,215           1,310
California .....:        10               8              10               8
Louisiana ......:       390             430             387             425
Mississippi ....:       121             160             120             158
Missouri .......:       197             215             193             210
Texas ..........:       125             145             120             140
United States ..:     2,063           2,278           2,045           2,251
Medium grain    :
Arkansas .......:       215             100             201              90
California .....:       490             480             487             477
Louisiana ......:        78              50              75              47
Mississippi ....:         -               1               -               1
Missouri .......:         8               9               7               9
Texas ..........:        24               4              23               4
United States ..:       815             644             793             628
Short grain 2/  :
Arkansas .......:         1               1               1               1
California .....:        15              20              15              20
United States ..:        16              21              16              21
All             :
Arkansas .......:     1,436           1,421           1,417           1,401
California .....:       515             508             512             505
Louisiana ......:       468             480             462             472
Mississippi ....:       121             161             120             159
Missouri .......:       205             224             200             219
Texas ..........:       149             149             143             144
United States ..:     2,894           2,943           2,854           2,900
-  Represents zero.
1/ Forecasted.
2/ Includes sweet rice.

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