STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Corn Area Dips 3%

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Corn planted area for all purposes in 2024 is estimated at 91.5 million acres, down 3% or 3.17 million acres from last year, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

This represents the eighth highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944. Compared with last year, planted acreage is expected to be down or unchanged in 31 of the 48 estimating States. Area harvested for grain, at 83.4 million acres, is down 4% from last year.

Record low planted area is estimated in Rhode Island. Record high planted area is estimated in Oregon. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 3.36 million acres of the estimated corn acreage remain to be planted at the time of the interview.

Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and United States:
2023 and 2024
                 :   Area planted for all purposes   :     Area harvested for grain
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                 :                              1,000 acres
Alabama .........:        330               340               320               325
Arizona .........:        105                95                38                24
Arkansas ........:        850               620               830               600
California ......:        400               420                40                60
Colorado ........:      1,330             1,370             1,015             1,100
Connecticut 2/ ..:         24                24              (NA)              (NA)
Delaware ........:        175               180               172               177
Florida .........:         90                80                62                45
Georgia .........:        485               440               440               400
Idaho ...........:        360               330               115               110
Illinois ........:     11,200            10,900            11,050            10,750
Indiana .........:      5,450             5,100             5,310             4,960
Iowa ............:     13,100            13,100            12,550            12,550
Kansas ..........:      5,750             6,300             5,150             5,800
Kentucky ........:      1,600             1,550             1,500             1,450
Louisiana .......:        700               510               680               495
Maine 2/ ........:         28                30              (NA)              (NA)
Maryland ........:        480               490               440               450
Massachusetts 2/ :         14                15              (NA)              (NA)
Michigan ........:      2,400             2,150             2,060             1,810
Minnesota .......:      8,600             8,100             8,180             7,550
Mississippi .....:        790               580               770               560
Missouri ........:      3,850             3,500             3,670             3,310
Montana .........:        135               110                68                59
Nebraska ........:      9,950            10,100             9,500             9,700
Nevada 2/ .......:         13                13              (NA)              (NA)
New Hampshire 2/ :         13                14              (NA)              (NA)
New Jersey ......:         74                80                65                75
New Mexico ......:        125               105                47                36
New York ........:      1,040             1,030               600               580
North Carolina ..:        950               910               900               860
North Dakota ....:      4,050             3,800             3,800             3,500
Ohio ............:      3,600             3,400             3,400             3,170
Oklahoma ........:        390               370               340               320
Oregon ..........:         95               100                55                60
Pennsylvania ....:      1,040             1,100               680               750
Rhode Island 2/ .:          2                 2              (NA)              (NA)
South Carolina ..:        365               380               350               360
South Dakota ....:      6,300             6,100             5,620             5,440
Tennessee .......:        940               850               890               800
Texas ...........:      2,500             2,100             2,100             1,700
Utah ............:         75                75                27                34
Vermont 2/ ......:         89                94              (NA)              (NA)
Virginia ........:        495               500               375               380
Washington ......:        160               200                75               105
West Virginia ...:         44                43                32                32
Wisconsin .......:      4,000             3,700             3,140             2,900
Wyoming .........:         85                75                57                51
United States ...:     94,641            91,475            86,513            83,438
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Area harvested for grain not estimated.

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