STAT Communications Ag Market News

Soybean Seedings Advance 3%

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- The 2024 soybean planted area is estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3% from last year, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Compared with last year, planted acreage is up in 19 major producing States. Area for harvest, forecast at 85.3 million acres, is up 4% from 2023. If realized, this will be the fifth highest planted and fifth highest harvested soybean acreage on record.

Record high planted area is estimated in Kentucky. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 12.8 million acres of the estimated soybean acreage remained to be planted at the time of the interview.

Soybean Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
                  :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
       State      :---------------------------------------------------------------
                  :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                  :                          1,000 acres
Alabama ..........:       350             350             345             345
Arkansas .........:     2,980           3,050           2,950           3,020
Delaware .........:       150             155             148             153
Georgia ..........:       160             160             155             155
Illinois .........:    10,350          10,700          10,300          10,650
Indiana ..........:     5,500           5,750           5,480           5,730
Iowa .............:     9,950           9,900           9,880           9,820
Kansas ...........:     4,430           4,550           4,030           4,500
Kentucky .........:     1,830           2,050           1,820           2,040
Louisiana ........:     1,030           1,170             980           1,130
Maryland .........:       470             480             460             470
Michigan .........:     2,040           2,250           2,030           2,240
Minnesota ........:     7,350           7,600           7,280           7,530
Mississippi ......:     2,180           2,250           2,130           2,210
Missouri .........:     5,600           5,600           5,520           5,530
Nebraska .........:     5,250           5,300           5,180           5,250
New Jersey .......:       100             110              98             108
New York .........:       350             345             340             340
North Carolina ...:     1,640           1,550           1,630           1,540
North Dakota .....:     6,200           6,800           6,160           6,750
Ohio .............:     4,750           4,850           4,730           4,830
Oklahoma .........:       460             460             410             410
Pennsylvania .....:       570             610             560             600
South Carolina ...:       395             380             385             370
South Dakota .....:     5,100           5,100           5,070           5,050
Tennessee ........:     1,600           1,700           1,570           1,670
Texas ............:       125             100              85              80
Virginia .........:       580             630             570             620
Wisconsin ........:     2,110           2,150           2,060           2,120
United States ....:    83,600          86,100          82,356          85,261
1/ Forecasted.
Percent of Soybean Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop - Selected
States and
United States: 2020-2024
[Data as obtained from survey results. These data do not represent official estimates
of the Agricultural Statistics Board but provide raw data as obtained from survey
respondents. The purpose of these data is to portray trends in soybean
production practices]
       State      :    2020    :    2021     :    2022     :    2023     :    2024
                  :                              percent
Alabama ..........:     23            37            21            36            11
Arkansas .........:      2             4             4             3             1
Delaware .........:     26            24            27            21           (Z)
Georgia ..........:     22            49            16             9             9
Illinois .........:      4             4             5             5             4
Indiana ..........:      5             5             2             2             4
Kansas ...........:     13             7             8            12            10
Kentucky .........:     21            17            18            26            22
Louisiana ........:      3           (Z)             6           (Z)           (Z)
Maryland .........:     32            26            12            26            30
Mississippi ......:      1             2             2             2           (Z)
Missouri .........:      6             6             6             9            11
New Jersey .......:     14             4             3            18            16
North Carolina ...:     27            43            23            19            25
Ohio .............:      3             1             2             1             1
Oklahoma .........:     24            52            37            33            32
Pennsylvania .....:     20            27            26            20            21
South Carolina ...:     23            18            15             5             5
Tennessee ........:      9            27            21            25            14
Texas ............:     10           (Z)           (Z)             9            19
Virginia .........:     28            25            17            15            16
United States ....:      5             5             4             4             4
(Z) Less than half of the unit shown.

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