STAT Communications Ag Market News

Smallest Sunseed Area Since 1976

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Area planted to sunflowers in 2024 totals 898,500 acres, down 32% from 2023, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Compared with last year, growers in all eight of the major sunflower-producing States showed a decrease in planted acreage this year, with five of the States decreasing by 20% or more.

The State with the largest decline in planted acreage from last year is South Dakota, where planted area decreased 180,000 acres compared with last year. North Dakota is also showing a large decline compared with last year, with planted area down 170,000 acres from the previous year.

Harvested area for sunflower is forecast at 862,600 acres, a decrease of 32% from last year. Planted area is a record low in California, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska.

Planted area of oil type varieties, at 765,000 acres, is down 34% from 2023. This represents the lowest planted area on record for the Nation since 1976. Compared with last year, planted area of oil type varieties is down more than 30% in California, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas. Planted area for oil type varieties is the lowest on record in California, Colorado, and Kansas.

Area planted to non-oil varieties, estimated at 133,500 acres, is down 13% from last year and represents the second lowest on record for the Nation. Compared with last year, growers in all eight major sunflower-producing States had decreases or no change in planted acreage for non-oil varieties. The largest decline compared with last year occurred in South Dakota, where planted acreage decreased by 5,000 acres.

Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States:
2023 and 2024
                  :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
   Varietal type  :---------------------------------------------------------------
     and State    :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                  :                          1,000 acres
Oil               :
California .......:       28.0           19.0             27.5           18.5
Colorado .........:       26.0           25.0             24.0           22.0
Kansas ...........:       28.0           22.0             26.0           21.0
Minnesota ........:       49.0           45.0             48.0           44.0
Nebraska .........:       31.0           30.0             30.0           28.0
North Dakota .....:      500.0          330.0            490.0          320.0
South Dakota .....:      455.0          280.0            440.0          270.0
Texas ............:       44.0           14.0             40.0           13.0
United States ....:    1,161.0          765.0          1,125.5          736.5
Non-oil           :
California .......:        0.5            0.5              0.5            0.5
Colorado .........:        8.0            5.0              5.0            4.0
Kansas ...........:        6.0            4.0              5.0            4.0
Minnesota ........:        9.5            5.0              9.0            4.6
Nebraska .........:        8.5            5.0              7.5            5.0
North Dakota .....:       75.0           75.0             72.0           72.0
South Dakota .....:       40.0           35.0             38.0           33.0
Texas ............:        6.5            4.0              5.0            3.0
United States ....:      154.0          133.5            142.0          126.1
All               :
California .......:       28.5           19.5             28.0           19.0
Colorado .........:       34.0           30.0             29.0           26.0
Kansas ...........:       34.0           26.0             31.0           25.0
Minnesota ........:       58.5           50.0             57.0           48.6
Nebraska .........:       39.5           35.0             37.5           33.0
North Dakota .....:      575.0          405.0            562.0          392.0
South Dakota .....:      495.0          315.0            478.0          303.0
Texas ............:       50.5           18.0             45.0           16.0
United States ....:    1,315.0          898.5          1,267.5          862.6
1/ Forecasted.

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