STAT Communications Ag Market News

Proso Millet Seedings Sink 27%

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Area planted to proso millet in 2024 is estimated at 450,000 acres, down 27% from 2023, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota planted acreage is down from last year.

Planting progress in Colorado was 56% complete as of the week ending June 16, ahead of last year's 51% complete but behind the 5-year average of 67% complete.

Proso Millet Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States:
2023 and 2024
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
      State     :---------------------------------------------------------------
                :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                :                          1,000 acres
Colorado .......:      390             270             370
Nebraska .......:      155             145             138
South Dakota ...:       74              35              64
United States ..:      619             450             572
1/ Estimates to be released January 2025 in the "Crop Production Summary."

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