STAT Communications Ag Market News

Flax Plantings Drop 21% in U.S.

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Growers intend to plant 140,000 acres of flaxseed in 2024, a decrease of 21% from 2023 and will represent the lowest total for the Nation since 1996, if realized, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Planted acreage in North Dakota, the largest flaxseed-producing State, is expected to be down 14% from 2023. If realized, this will be the lowest acreage for the State since 1996. Planted acreage in Montana is expected to decrease 34% from the previous year.

Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
                :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
      State     :---------------------------------------------------------------
                :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                :                          1,000 acres
Montana ........:       68              45              57              39
North Dakota ...:      110              95             103              86
United States ..:      178             140             160             125
1/ Forecasted.

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