STAT Communications Ag Market News

Farmers Lose Interest In Barley

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Producers seeded 2.56 million acres of barley for the 2024 crop year, down 18% from the previous year, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

In Montana, the largest barley State, acreage is expected to decrease by 14% from last year. Planted area is a record low in Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Barley Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes area planted in preceding fall]
                  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Alaska ...........:          7                 8                 6                 7
Arizona ..........:         17                15                15                12
California .......:         40                45                19                23
Colorado .........:         54                48                51                42
Delaware .........:         21                21                12                14
Idaho ............:        570               580               540               540
Kansas ...........:         16                18                 5                 6
Maine ............:         11                12                 9                11
Maryland .........:         31                31                13                17
Michigan .........:          7                 8                 6                 5
Minnesota ........:         60                40                54                25
Montana ..........:      1,190             1,020             1,015               790
New York .........:          9                 8                 5                 5
North Carolina ...:         16                16                10                10
North Dakota .....:        690               360               570               300
Oregon ...........:         41                36                24                19
Pennsylvania .....:         47                40                28                26
South Dakota .....:         38                25                 9                 9
Utah .............:         16                17                14                11
Virginia .........:         30                24                 6                 6
Washington .......:         95                85                84                72
Wisconsin ........:         12                20                 2                 7
Wyoming ..........:         83                80                58                60
United States ....:      3,101             2,557             2,555             2,017
1/ Forecasted.

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