STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Chickpea Plantings Surge 36%

WASHINGTON - Jun 28/24- SNS -- Area planted for all chickpeas for the 2024 crop year is 502,000 acres, up 36% from the previous year for comparable States, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates for 2024.

Area expected to be harvested for all chickpeas is 485,900 acres, 37% above 2023 for comparable States. Small chickpeas area planted is 145,000 acres.

Area expected to be harvested for small chickpeas is 139,200 acres. Area planted for large chickpeas in 2024 is 357,000 acres. Large chickpeas area expected to be harvested is 346,700 acres.

Beginning in 2024, estimates for chickpeas were discontinued in California.

Chickpea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
                              :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
        Size and State        :---------------------------------------------------------------
                              :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                              :                          1,000 acres
Small chickpeas 2/            :
California 3/ ................:       (D)            (NA)             (D)            (NA)
Idaho ........................:      23.0            38.0            22.6            37.5
Montana ......................:      41.0            65.0            34.5            60.0
North Dakota .................:       (D)             8.0             (D)             7.8
Washington ...................:      33.0            34.0            32.9            33.9
Other States 4/ ..............:       8.4               -             8.2               -
United States ................:     105.4           145.0            98.2           139.2
Large chickpeas 5/            :
California 3/ ................:       (D)            (NA)             (D)            (NA)
Idaho ........................:      49.0            52.0            46.6            51.5
Montana ......................:     133.0           169.0           130.0           160.0
North Dakota .................:       (D)            46.0             (D)            45.7
Washington ...................:      67.0            90.0            66.5            89.5
Other States 4/ ..............:      18.0               -            17.9               -
United States ................:     267.0           357.0           261.0           346.7
All chickpeas                 :
California 3/ ................:       4.4            (NA)             4.4            (NA)
Idaho ........................:      72.0            90.0            69.2            89.0
Montana ......................:     174.0           234.0           164.5           220.0
North Dakota .................:      22.0            54.0            21.7            53.5
Washington ...................:     100.0           124.0            99.4           123.4
United States ................:     372.4           502.0           359.2           485.9
-    Represents zero.
(D)  Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Chickpeas 20/64 inches or smaller.
3/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.
4/   Includes data withheld above.
5/   Chickpeas larger than 20/64 inches.

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