STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Winter Wheat Objective Data - July 202

Winter Wheat for Grain Objective Yield Data
The National Agricultural Statistics Service is conducting objective yield
surveys in 10 winter wheat-producing States during 2024. Randomly selected
plots in winter wheat for grain fields are visited monthly from May through
harvest to obtain specific counts and measurements. Data in these tables are
based on counts from this survey.
Winter Wheat Objective Yield Percent of Samples Processed in the Lab -
United States: 2020-2024
               :       June        :       July        :      August
      Year     :-----------------------------------------------------------
               :     Mature 1/     :     Mature 1/     :     Mature 1/
               :                          percent
2020 ..........:        14                  64                  92
2021 ..........:         7                  64                  97
2022 ..........:        14                  64                  91
2023 ..........:         9                  52                  94
2024 ..........:        21                  70
1/ Includes winter wheat in the hard dough stage or beyond and are
   considered mature or almost mature.
Winter Wheat Heads per Square Foot - Selected States: 2020-2024
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
        State        :   2020    :    2021    :    2022    :   2023    :  2024 1/
                     :                           number
Colorado             :
July ................:   43.0         49.9         40.8        41.5        39.8
August ..............:   42.7         46.8         39.7        48.4
Final ...............:   42.7         46.8         39.7        48.4
Illinois             :
July ................:   52.5         63.3         63.1        58.3        63.1
August ..............:   52.4         63.4         62.9        58.3
Final ...............:   52.4         63.4         62.9        58.3
Kansas               :
July ................:   45.3         51.4         40.7        37.3        42.1
August ..............:   45.4         51.4         40.7        38.5
Final ...............:   45.4         51.4         40.7        38.5
Missouri             :
July ................:   52.5         55.4         55.5        48.1        57.0
August ..............:   52.5         55.4         55.5        48.1
Final ...............:   52.5         55.4         55.5        48.1
Montana              :
July ................:   37.4         40.2         36.0        44.3        47.2
August ..............:   38.8         38.9         38.2        44.8
Final ...............:   38.6         38.9         38.3        44.8
Nebraska             :
July ................:   45.8         47.7         45.1        45.7        61.3
August ..............:   45.7         47.0         45.4        43.2
Final ...............:   45.7         47.0         45.4        43.2
Ohio                 :
July ................:   64.1         66.7         55.1        57.9        61.5
August ..............:   63.9         66.5         55.0        57.7
Final ...............:   63.9         66.5         55.0        57.7
Oklahoma             :
July ................:   38.2         38.2         35.2        40.2        36.3
August ..............:   38.3         38.2         35.3        40.2
Final ...............:   38.3         38.2         35.3        40.2
Texas                :
July ................:   32.7         32.1         29.0        31.2        30.8
August ..............:   32.7         31.3         28.8        31.3
Final ...............:   32.7         31.3         28.9        31.7
Washington           :
July ................:   37.7         33.3         40.3        31.7        39.0
August ..............:   38.3         33.4         41.0        31.9
Final ...............:   38.2         33.4         41.1        31.9
10 State             :
July ................:   42.1         45.5         40.6        39.7        42.3
August ..............:   42.3         45.0         40.8        40.7
Final ...............:   42.3         45.0         40.8        40.8
1/ Final head counts will be published in the "Small Grains 2024 Summary."

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