STAT Communications Ag Market News

Durum Wheat Output Soars

WASHINGTON - Jul 12/24 - SNS -- Durum wheat production is forecast at 89.3 million bushels, up 52% from 2023 in comparable States, according to the USDA

The United States yield is forecast at 42.7 bushels per acre, up 5.9 bushels from last year's average yield in comparable States. Area expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 2.09 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 28, 2024, but up 31% from 2023 in comparable States. A record high yield is forecast in North Dakota for 2024.

Beginning in 2024, estimates for Durum wheat were discontinued in Idaho.

Durum Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted July 1, 2024
                :   Area harvested    :      Yield per acre      :     Production
      State     :          :          :        :      2024       :          :
                :   2023   :   2024   :  2023  :-----------------:   2023   :   2024
                :          :          :        : June 1 : July 1 :          :
                :     1,000 acres       -------- bushels -------      1,000 bushels
Arizona ........:     37         59     103.0     102.0    107.0     3,811      6,313
California .....:     17         23     114.0     103.0    105.0     1,938      2,415
Idaho 1/ .......:     10       (NA)      65.0      (NA)     (NA)       650       (NA)
Montana ........:    675        850      31.0       (X)     32.0    20,925     27,200
North Dakota ...:    865      1,160      37.0       (X)     46.0    32,005     53,360
United States ..:  1,604      2,092      37.0       (X)     42.7    59,329     89,288
(NA) Not available.
(X)  Not applicable.
1/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.

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