STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Field Pea Crop Condition-- Jul 15, 2024

     USA - Field Pea Crop Condition-- Jul 15, 2024
                                        (per cent)
Condition         Very Poor       Poor       Fair       Good  Excellent
Idaho                     0          5         58         37          0
Montana                   0          1         20         76          3
N Dakota                  0          1         11         79          9
Oregon                    4          4         25         37         29
Washington                0          6         10         80          4
United States             0          1         17         76          5

USA - Implied Field Pea Area By Condition (acres) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Idaho 0 900 10,440 6,660 0 Montana 0 6,200 124,000 471,200 18,600 N Dakota 0 3,100 34,100 244,900 27,900 Oregon 120 120 750 1,110 870 Washington 0 3,480 5,800 46,400 2,320 United States 120 13,800 175,090 770,270 49,690 BASED on state crop reports.
  USA - Field Pea Harvest Progress -- Jul 15, 2024
                             (per cent in the bin)
Harvest Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Idaho                     3          1         24         14
Montana                   0          0          0          0
N Dakota                  0          0          0          0
Oregon                    1          0          0          0
Washington                4          2          0          4
United States             0          0          0          1

USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Harvest Progress This Week Last Week Last Year Average Idaho 420 140 3,157 3,189 Montana 0 0 0 0 N Dakota 0 0 0 0 Oregon 30 0 0 0 Washington 2,200 1,100 0 2,779 United States 2,650 1,240 3,157 5,968 BASED on state crop reports.

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