STAT Communications Ag Market News

Spring Wheat Crop Still Up

WASHINGTON - Aug 12/24 - SNS -- Production of spring wheat other than durum may reach 544 million bushels, down 6% from the previous forecast but up 8% from last year, according to the latest USDA crop production report.

Based on August 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 52.6 bushels per harvested acre, down 0.5 bushel from the previous forecast but up 6.6 bushels from 2023. If realized, the United States yield would be a record high.

Total planted area, at 10.7 million acres, is down 5% from the Acreage report released on June 28, 2024, and down 4% from 2023. The area expected to be harvested for grain or seed is expected to total 10.3 million acres, down 5% from the Acreage report, and down 6% from 2023.

Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and
United States: 2023-2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously
published. Includes area planted in preceding fall]
              :     Area planted      :    Area harvested
     State    :-----------------------------------------------
              :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :  2024 1/
              :                  1,000 acres
Idaho ........:     410         460         395         440
Minnesota ....:   1,300       1,220       1,260       1,180
Montana ......:   2,700       2,450       2,670       2,330
North Dakota .:   5,550       5,400       5,520       5,260
South Dakota .:     740         680         650         630
Washington ...:     500         495         490         490
United States :  11,200      10,705      10,985      10,330
1/ Forecasted.
Other Spring Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted August 1, 2024
                    :    Area harvested     :          Yield per acre           :      Production
        State       :           :           :           :         2024          :           :
                    :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :-----------------------:   2023    :   2024
                    :           :           :           :  July 1   : August 1  :           :
                    :  --- 1,000 acres --       ---------- bushels ---------       -- 1,000 bushels --
Idaho ..............:     395         440       82.0        87.0        87.0        32,390      38,280
Minnesota ..........:   1,260       1,180       62.0        63.0        67.0        78,120      79,060
Montana ............:   2,670       2,330       30.0        35.0        33.0        80,100      76,890
North Dakota .......:   5,520       5,260       48.5        56.0        56.0       267,720     294,560
South Dakota .......:     650         630       43.0        50.0        50.0        27,950      31,500
Washington .........:     490         490       38.0        50.0        48.0        18,620      23,520
United States ......:  10,985      10,330       46.0        53.1        52.6       504,900     543,810

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