STAT Communications Ag Market News

Record High U.S. Oat Harvest

WASHINGTON - Aug 12/24 - SNS -- Oat production in the U.S. is forecast at a record high 67.6 million bushels, up 23% from comparable States in 2023, according to the latest USDA crop production report.

Based on conditions as of August 1, the United States yield is forecast at 75.1 bushels per acres, up 6.3 bushels from the 2023 average yield for comparable States. Record high yields are expected in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Acreage updates were made based on a thorough review of all available data. Total planted area, at 2.35 million acres, is up 2% from the previous estimate and up 3% from comparable States in 2023. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 900,000 acres, up 3% from the previous forecast and up 13% from comparable States in 2023.

Beginning in 2024, estimates for oats were discontinued in Arkansas, California, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

Oat Area Planted and Harvested - States and
United States: 2023-2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously
published. Includes area planted in preceding fall]
                   :     Area planted      :    Area harvested
       State       :-----------------------------------------------
                   :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :  2024 1/
                   :                  1,000 acres
Arkansas 2/ .......:       8        (NA)          5        (NA)
California 2/ .....:      90        (NA)          5        (NA)
Georgia ...........:      55          65         15          21
Idaho .............:      45          40         12          10
Illinois ..........:      55          55         17          14
Iowa ..............:     190         210         95         120
Kansas ............:     185         165         30          33
Maine .............:      22          24         21          22
Michigan ..........:      50          55         25          33
Minnesota .........:     165         210         87         130
Missouri 2/ .......:      32        (NA)          9        (NA)
Montana ...........:      65          70         22          29
Nebraska ..........:     155         125         24          26
New York ..........:      61          60         44          38
North Carolina ....:      37          34         14          12
North Dakota ......:     280         285        105         130
Ohio ..............:      40          50         15          15
Oklahoma 2/ .......:     140        (NA)         13        (NA)
Oregon ............:      20          20         12          12
Pennsylvania ......:      70          65         47          43
South Dakota ......:     265         270         69          89
Texas .............:     390         400         70          48
Wisconsin .........:     135         145         75          75
United States .....:   2,555       2,348        831         900
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.
Oat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and Forecasted
August 1, 2024
                    :  Area harvested  :       Yield per acre       :     Production
        State       :        :         :        :       2024        :          :
                    :  2023  :  2024   :  2023  :-------------------:   2023   :   2024
                    :        :         :        : July 1  :August 1 :          :
                    :   1,000 acres       -------- bushels -------       1,000 bushels
Arkansas 1/ ........:    5      (NA)      62.0      (NA)      (NA)        310       (NA)
California 1/ ......:    5      (NA)      75.0      (NA)      (NA)        375       (NA)
Georgia ............:   15        21      61.0      52.0      50.0        915      1,050
Idaho ..............:   12        10      91.0      80.0      88.0      1,092        880
Illinois ...........:   17        14      90.0      93.0      90.0      1,530      1,260
Iowa ...............:   95       120      80.0      82.0      86.0      7,600     10,320
Kansas .............:   30        33      66.0      40.0      43.0      1,980      1,419
Maine ..............:   21        22      62.0      71.0      71.0      1,302      1,562
Michigan ...........:   25        33      66.0      66.0      63.0      1,650      2,079
Minnesota ..........:   87       130      77.0      67.0      82.0      6,699     10,660
Missouri 1/ ........:    9      (NA)      68.0      (NA)      (NA)        612       (NA)
Montana ............:   22        29      37.0      43.0      50.0        814      1,450
Nebraska ...........:   24        26      53.0      60.0      65.0      1,272      1,690
New York ...........:   44        38      60.0      64.0      64.0      2,640      2,432
North Carolina .....:   14        12      77.0      78.0      76.0      1,078        912
North Dakota .......:  105       130      76.0      87.0      90.0      7,980     11,700
Ohio ...............:   15        15      76.0      65.0      77.0      1,140      1,155
Oklahoma 1/ ........:   13      (NA)      60.0      (NA)      (NA)        780       (NA)
Oregon .............:   12        12      79.0     100.0      90.0        948      1,080
Pennsylvania .......:   47        43      61.0      63.0      59.0      2,867      2,537
South Dakota .......:   69        89      74.0      88.0      93.0      5,106      8,277
Texas ..............:   70        48      54.0      40.0      44.0      3,780      2,112
Wisconsin ..........:   75        75      61.0      66.0      67.0      4,575      5,025
United States ......:  831       900      68.6      70.9      75.1     57,045     67,600
(NA) Not available.
1/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.

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