STAT Communications Ag Market News

Optimistic Soybean Forecast

WASHINGTON - Aug 12/24 - SNS -- Soybean production for beans is forecast at a record high 4.59 billion bushels, up 10% from 2023, according to the latest USDA crop production report.

Based on conditions as of August 1, yields are expected to average a record high 53.2 bushels per acre, up 2.6 bushels from 2023. Area harvested for beans in the United States is forecast at 86.3 million acres, up 1% from the previous forecast and up 5% from 2023.

The forecasted yield, at 53.2 bushels per acres, is up 2.6 bushels from last year's final estimate of 50.6 bushels per acre. If realized, this would be the highest yield on record for the Nation with record yields in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio.

Soybeans for Beans Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Alabama ..........:        350               360               345               355
Arkansas .........:      2,980             3,050             2,950             3,020
Delaware .........:        150               155               148               153
Georgia ..........:        160               170               155               165
Illinois .........:     10,350            10,800            10,300            10,750
Indiana ..........:      5,500             5,800             5,480             5,780
Iowa .............:      9,950            10,050             9,880             9,970
Kansas ...........:      4,430             4,530             4,030             4,480
Kentucky .........:      1,830             2,050             1,820             2,040
Louisiana ........:      1,030             1,100               980             1,060
Maryland .........:        470               495               460               485
Michigan .........:      2,040             2,190             2,030             2,180
Minnesota ........:      7,350             7,400             7,280             7,330
Mississippi ......:      2,180             2,300             2,130             2,270
Missouri .........:      5,600             5,900             5,520             5,830
Nebraska .........:      5,250             5,300             5,180             5,250
New Jersey .......:        100               105                98               103
New York .........:        350               370               340               365
North Carolina ...:      1,640             1,630             1,630             1,620
North Dakota .....:      6,200             6,650             6,160             6,600
Ohio .............:      4,750             5,050             4,730             5,030
Oklahoma .........:        460               505               410               455
Pennsylvania .....:        570               610               560               600
South Carolina ...:        395               390               385               380
South Dakota .....:      5,100             5,450             5,070             5,400
Tennessee ........:      1,600             1,830             1,570             1,800
Texas ............:        125               100                85                80
Virginia .........:        580               610               570               600
Wisconsin ........:      2,110             2,150             2,060             2,120
United States ....:     83,600            87,100            82,356            86,271
1/ Forecasted.
Soybeans for Beans Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023
and Forecasted August 1, 2024
                    :    Area harvested     :    Yield per acre     :      Production
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :   2024
                    :  --- 1,000 acres --       ---- bushels ---      --- 1,000 bushels ---
Alabama ............:     345         355       43.0        37.0         14,835      13,135
Arkansas ...........:   2,950       3,020       54.0        57.0        159,300     172,140
Delaware ...........:     148         153       46.0        41.0          6,808       6,273
Georgia ............:     155         165       43.0        43.0          6,665       7,095
Illinois ...........:  10,300      10,750       63.0        66.0        648,900     709,500
Indiana ............:   5,480       5,780       61.0        62.0        334,280     358,360
Iowa ...............:   9,880       9,970       58.0        61.0        573,040     608,170
Kansas .............:   4,030       4,480       26.0        38.0        104,780     170,240
Kentucky ...........:   1,820       2,040       55.0        55.0        100,100     112,200
Louisiana ..........:     980       1,060       40.0        49.0         39,200      51,940
Maryland ...........:     460         485       47.0        46.0         21,620      22,310
Michigan ...........:   2,030       2,180       46.0        49.0         93,380     106,820
Minnesota ..........:   7,280       7,330       48.0        49.0        349,440     359,170
Mississippi ........:   2,130       2,270       56.0        58.0        119,280     131,660
Missouri ...........:   5,520       5,830       48.0        51.0        264,960     297,330
Nebraska ...........:   5,180       5,250       51.5        59.0        266,770     309,750
New Jersey .........:      98         103       43.0        34.0          4,214       3,502
New York ...........:     340         365       51.0        51.0         17,340      18,615
North Carolina .....:   1,630       1,620       38.5        36.0         62,755      58,320
North Dakota .......:   6,160       6,600       35.5        36.0        218,680     237,600
Ohio ...............:   4,730       5,030       58.0        59.0        274,340     296,770
Oklahoma ...........:     410         455       26.0        30.0         10,660      13,650
Pennsylvania .......:     560         600       47.0        45.0         26,320      27,000
South Carolina .....:     385         380       39.0        38.0         15,015      14,440
South Dakota .......:   5,070       5,400       44.0        47.0        223,080     253,800
Tennessee ..........:   1,570       1,800       51.0        49.0         80,070      88,200
Texas ..............:      85          80       25.0        38.0          2,125       3,040
Virginia ...........:     570         600       38.0        43.0         21,660      25,800
Wisconsin ..........:   2,060       2,120       51.0        53.0        105,060     112,360
United States ......:  82,356      86,271       50.6        53.2      4,164,677   4,589,190

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