STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Dry Edible Bean Crop Condition-- Sep 3, 2024

            USA - Dry Edible Bean Crop Condition-- Sep 3, 2024
                                (per cent)
Condition         Very Poor       Poor       Fair       Good  Excellent
Colorado                  5          4          6         80          5
Idaho                     0          5         16         79          0
Michigan                  4          7         40         49          0
Minnesota                 1          3         21         69          6
Nebraska                  3          6         28         44         19
North Dakota              1         10         32         48          9
Washington                2         11         44         43          0
Wyoming                 N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
United States             2          7         30         53          7

USA - Implied Area By Condition (acres) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Colorado 2,600 2,080 3,120 41,600 2,600 Idaho 0 2,250 7,200 35,550 0 Michigan 10,000 17,500 100,000 122,500 0 Minnesota 2,800 8,400 58,800 193,200 16,800 Nebraska 3,900 7,800 36,400 57,200 24,700 North Dakota 7,300 73,000 233,600 350,400 65,700 Washington 900 4,950 19,800 19,350 0 Wyoming 0 0 0 0 0 United States 29,268 123,435 488,418 872,494 116,858 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas
           USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Sep 3, 2024
                           (per cent in the bin)
Harvest Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Colorado                 10          0          7          5
Idaho                    11          4         13         16
Michigan                  0          0          0          0
Minnesota                 0          0          0          0
Nebraska                  0          0          0          0
North Dakota              0          0          0          0
Washington               83         70         68         73
Wyoming                  73          3          8         14
United States             4          2          2          3

USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Colorado 4,423 0 1,724 1,580 Idaho 4,940 1,796 5,059 8,224 Michigan 0 0 0 0 Minnesota 0 0 0 0 Nebraska 0 0 0 0 North Dakota 0 0 0 0 Washington 47,061 39,690 26,927 29,768 Wyoming 14,819 609 1,085 2,385 United States 55,905 30,820 27,213 30,475 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas

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