STAT Communications Ag Market News

USDA Trims Rice Yields

WASHINGTON - Sep 12/24 - SNS -- All rice production in the United States is forecast at 220 million cwt (100 pound units), down less than 1% from the previous estimate but up 1% from previous year, according to the latest USDA production forecasts.

Planted area is estimated at 2.94 million acres, unchanged from the previous estimate but up 2% from the previous year. Area for harvest is expected to total 2.90 million acres, unchanged from the previous estimate but up 1% from last year.

Based on conditions as of September 1, the average United States yield is forecast at 7,588 pounds per acre, down 61 pounds per acre from 2023. Compared with last year, increases in production are forecast in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri.

Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                  :         Area planted          :        Area harvested
  Class and State :---------------------------------------------------------------
                  :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                  :                          1,000 acres
Long grain        :
Arkansas .........:     1,220           1,330           1,215           1,320
California .......:        10               8              10               8
Louisiana ........:       390             425             387             420
Mississippi ......:       121             155             120             154
Missouri .........:       197             215             193             210
Texas ............:       125             145             120             140
United States ....:     2,063           2,278           2,045           2,252
Medium grain      :
Arkansas .........:       215             120             201             110
California .......:       490             460             487             457
Louisiana ........:        78              50              75              46
Mississippi ......:         -               2               -               2
Missouri .........:         8               5               7               4
Texas ............:        24               4              23               4
United States ....:       815             641             793             623
Short grain 2/    :
Arkansas .........:         1               1               1               1
California .......:        15              20              15              20
United States ....:        16              21              16              21
All               :
Arkansas .........:     1,436           1,451           1,417           1,431
California .......:       515             488             512             485
Louisiana ........:       468             475             462             466
Mississippi ......:       121             157             120             156
Missouri .........:       205             220             200             214
Texas ............:       149             149             143             144
United States ....:     2,894           2,940           2,854           2,896
-  Represents zero.
1/ Forecasted.
2/ Includes sweet rice.
Rice Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and Forecasted
September 1, 2024
              :   Area harvested    :            Yield per acre            :    Production 1/
     State    :          :          :            :          2024           :          :
              :   2023   :   2024   :    2023    :-------------------------:   2023   :   2024
              :          :          :            :  August 1  :September 1 :          :
              :     1,000 acres         ------------ pounds -----------      ---- 1,000 cwt ---
Arkansas .....:  1,417      1,431       7,550        7,600        7,600      106,968    108,756
California ...:    512        485       8,590        8,800        8,800       43,971     42,680
Louisiana ....:    462        466       6,800        6,650        6,650       31,431     30,989
Mississippi ..:    120        156       7,470        7,500        7,500        8,964     11,700
Missouri .....:    200        214       7,990        7,400        7,600       15,985     16,264
Texas ........:    143        144       7,670        7,500        6,500       10,972      9,360
United States :  2,854      2,896       7,649        7,623        7,588      218,291    219,749
1/ Includes sweet rice production.
Rice Production by Class - United States: 2023 and Forecasted September 1, 2024
            :                :                :                :
    Year    :   Long grain   :  Medium grain  : Short grain 1/ :      All
            :                :                :                :
            :                             1,000 cwt
2023 .......:    153,871           63,217           1,203           218,291
2024 2/ ....:    166,760           51,466           1,523           219,749
1/ Sweet rice production included with short grain.
2/ The 2024 rice production by class forecasts are based on class harvested
   acreage estimates and the 5-year average class yield compared to the all rice

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