STAT Communications Ag Market News

12% Boost To Peanut Harvest

WASHINGTON - Sep 12/24 - SNS -- This year's U.S. peanut harvest is expected to reach 6.71 billion pounds, up 12% from 2023 in comparable states, according to the latest USDA production forecasts.

Based on conditions as of September 1, the average yield for the United States is forecast at 3,836 pounds per acre, up 69 pounds per acre from 2023 in comparable states.

Acreage updates were made based on a thorough review of all available data. Planted area for the Nation is estimated at 1.81 million acres, up less than 1% from the previous estimate and up 10% from last year.

Total harvested area, at 1.75 million acres, is up less than 1% from the previous estimate and is up 11% from 2023. Record high harvested acres are expected in Arkansas.

Beginning in 2024, estimates for peanuts began in Missouri but were discontinued in New Mexico.

Peanut Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Alabama ..........:       175.0             190.0             171.0             186.0
Arkansas .........:        35.0              45.0              34.0              44.0
Florida ..........:       160.0             170.0             152.0             161.0
Georgia ..........:       775.0             850.0             770.0             845.0
Mississippi ......:        18.0              26.0              16.0              25.0
Missouri 2/ ......:        (NA)              23.0              (NA)              22.0
New Mexico 3/ ....:        11.0              (NA)              10.0              (NA)
North Carolina ...:       124.0             130.0             123.0             129.0
Oklahoma .........:        16.0              18.0              15.0              17.0
South Carolina ...:        77.0              83.0              74.0              80.0
Texas ............:       225.0             240.0             180.0             210.0
Virginia .........:        29.0              30.0              29.0              30.0
United States ....:     1,645.0           1,805.0           1,574.0           1,749.0
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Estimates began in 2024.
3/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.
Peanut Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and Forecasted
September 1, 2024
                  :   Area harvested    :          Yield per acre           :     Production
       State      :          :          :           :         2024          :          :
                  :   2023   :   2024   :   2023    :-----------------------:   2023   :   2024
                  :          :          :           : August 1  :September 1:          :
                  : --- 1,000 acres --      ----------- pounds ----------    --- 1,000 pounds ---
Alabama ..........:   171.0      186.0      2,810       3,300       3,100      480,510    576,600
Arkansas .........:    34.0       44.0      5,800       5,300       5,300      197,200    233,200
Florida ..........:   152.0      161.0      3,320       3,700       3,900      504,640    627,900
Georgia ..........:   770.0      845.0      4,070       4,100       4,100    3,133,900  3,464,500
Mississippi ......:    16.0       25.0      3,600       3,800       3,800       57,600     95,000
Missouri 1/ ......:    (NA)       22.0       (NA)       5,000       5,000         (NA)    110,000
New Mexico 2/ ....:    10.0       (NA)      2,100        (NA)        (NA)       21,000       (NA)
North Carolina ...:   123.0      129.0      4,300       4,400       4,100      528,900    528,900
Oklahoma .........:    15.0       17.0      3,900       4,100       4,100       58,500     69,700
South Carolina ...:    74.0       80.0      4,050       4,000       4,000      299,700    320,000
Texas ............:   180.0      210.0      2,600       2,800       2,600      468,000    546,000
Virginia .........:    29.0       30.0      4,830       4,700       4,600      140,070    138,000
United States ....: 1,574.0    1,749.0      3,742       3,890       3,836    5,890,020  6,709,800
(NA) Not available.
1/   Estimates began in 2024.
2/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.

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