STAT Communications Ag Market News

Cotton Yield Remains Up Over 2023

WASHINGTON - Sep 12/24 - SNS --All cotton production for the United States is forecast at 14.5 million 480-pound bales, down 4% from the previous forecast but up 20% from 2023, according to the latest USDA production forecasts.

Based on conditions as of September 1, yields are expected to average 807 pounds per harvested acre, down 33 pounds from the previous forecast and down 92 pounds from 2023. All cotton area harvested is forecast at 8.63 million acres, up slightly from the previous forecast and up 34% from 2023.

Upland cotton production is forecast at 14.0 million 480-pound bales, down 4% from the previous forecast but up 19% from 2023. Area planted to Upland cotton is estimated at 11.0 million acres, up slightly from the previous estimate and up 9% from 2023. Upland harvested area for the Nation is expected to total 8.44 million acres up slightly from the previous estimate and up 34% from last year.

Pima cotton production is forecast at 547,000 bales, down 1% from the previous forecast but up 73% from 2023. Pima cotton planted area is estimated at 199,000 acres, unchanged from the previous forecast but up 35% from 2023. Expected Pima harvested area at 192,000 acres is up 39% from last year.

Cotton Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Upland            :
Alabama ..........:       380.0             400.0             374.0             395.0
Arizona ..........:        76.0              96.0              75.0              95.0
Arkansas .........:       510.0             650.0             505.0             640.0
California .......:        13.0              22.0              12.8              21.6
Florida ..........:        89.0              86.0              87.0              84.0
Georgia ..........:     1,110.0           1,100.0           1,100.0           1,090.0
Kansas ...........:       112.0             130.0              94.0             120.0
Louisiana ........:       120.0             155.0             115.0             150.0
Mississippi ......:       400.0             520.0             395.0             515.0
Missouri .........:       335.0             400.0             330.0             380.0
New Mexico .......:        32.0              40.0              17.0              27.0
North Carolina ...:       380.0             410.0             370.0             400.0
Oklahoma .........:       420.0             435.0             180.0             315.0
South Carolina ...:       210.0             225.0             207.0             220.0
Tennessee ........:       265.0             265.0             260.0             250.0
Texas ............:     5,550.0           5,950.0           2,100.0           3,650.0
Virginia .........:        81.0              91.0              80.0              90.0
United States ....:    10,083.0          10,975.0           6,301.8           8,442.6
American Pima     :
Arizona ..........:        16.0              14.0              16.0              14.0
California .......:        85.0             137.0              82.0             135.0
New Mexico .......:        17.0              15.0              16.8              14.0
Texas ............:        29.0              33.0              23.0              29.0
United States ....:       147.0             199.0             137.8             192.0
All               :
Alabama ..........:       380.0             400.0             374.0             395.0
Arizona ..........:        92.0             110.0              91.0             109.0
Arkansas .........:       510.0             650.0             505.0             640.0
California .......:        98.0             159.0              94.8             156.6
Florida ..........:        89.0              86.0              87.0              84.0
Georgia ..........:     1,110.0           1,100.0           1,100.0           1,090.0
Kansas ...........:       112.0             130.0              94.0             120.0
Louisiana ........:       120.0             155.0             115.0             150.0
Mississippi ......:       400.0             520.0             395.0             515.0
Missouri .........:       335.0             400.0             330.0             380.0
New Mexico .......:        49.0              55.0              33.8              41.0
North Carolina ...:       380.0             410.0             370.0             400.0
Oklahoma .........:       420.0             435.0             180.0             315.0
South Carolina ...:       210.0             225.0             207.0             220.0
Tennessee ........:       265.0             265.0             260.0             250.0
Texas ............:     5,579.0           5,983.0           2,123.0           3,679.0
Virginia .........:        81.0              91.0              80.0              90.0
United States ....:    10,230.0          11,174.0           6,439.6           8,634.6
1/ Forecasted.
Cotton Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by Type - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted September 1, 2024
                 :  Area harvested   :         Yield per acre         :    Production 1/
  Type and State :         :         :        :         2024          :          :
                 :  2023   :  2024   :  2023  :-----------------------:   2023   :   2024
                 :         :         :        : August 1  :September 1:          :
                 : -- 1,000 acres --   ---------- pounds ----------        1,000 bales 2/
Upland           :
Alabama .........:   374.0     395.0     937        881         869        730.0      715.0
Arizona .........:    75.0      95.0   1,331      1,557       1,314        208.0      260.0
Arkansas ........:   505.0     640.0   1,295      1,238       1,238      1,362.0    1,650.0
California ......:    12.8      21.6   2,025      2,000       2,000         54.0       90.0
Florida .........:    87.0      84.0     612        657         657        111.0      115.0
Georgia .........: 1,100.0   1,090.0     949        947         903      2,175.0    2,050.0
Kansas ..........:    94.0     120.0     761        760         720        149.0      180.0
Louisiana .......:   115.0     150.0     872      1,008       1,056        209.0      330.0
Mississippi .....:   395.0     515.0   1,083      1,118       1,118        891.0    1,200.0
Missouri ........:   330.0     380.0   1,361      1,213       1,238        936.0      980.0
New Mexico ......:    17.0      27.0     649        889         889         23.0       50.0
North Carolina ..:   370.0     400.0     933        912         906        719.0      755.0
Oklahoma ........:   180.0     315.0     560        655         533        210.0      350.0
South Carolina ..:   207.0     220.0     937        829         829        404.0      380.0
Tennessee .......:   260.0     250.0   1,250      1,056       1,114        677.0      580.0
Texas ...........: 2,100.0   3,650.0     618        592         539      2,705.0    4,100.0
Virginia ........:    80.0      90.0   1,122        987         960        187.0      180.0
United States ...: 6,301.8   8,442.6     895        828         794     11,750.0   13,965.0
American Pima    :
Arizona .........:    16.0      14.0     900        891         891         30.0       26.0
California ......:    82.0     135.0   1,346      1,582       1,582        230.0      445.0
New Mexico ......:    16.8      14.0     800        754         686         28.0       20.0
Texas ...........:    23.0      29.0     584        993         927         28.0       56.0
United States ...:   137.8     192.0   1,101      1,383       1,368        316.0      547.0
All              :
Alabama .........:   374.0     395.0     937        881         869        730.0      715.0
Arizona .........:    91.0     109.0   1,255      1,471       1,259        238.0      286.0
Arkansas ........:   505.0     640.0   1,295      1,238       1,238      1,362.0    1,650.0
California ......:    94.8     156.6   1,438      1,640       1,640        284.0      535.0
Florida .........:    87.0      84.0     612        657         657        111.0      115.0
Georgia .........: 1,100.0   1,090.0     949        947         903      2,175.0    2,050.0
Kansas ..........:    94.0     120.0     761        760         720        149.0      180.0
Louisiana .......:   115.0     150.0     872      1,008       1,056        209.0      330.0
Mississippi .....:   395.0     515.0   1,083      1,118       1,118        891.0    1,200.0
Missouri ........:   330.0     380.0   1,361      1,213       1,238        936.0      980.0
New Mexico ......:    33.8      41.0     724        843         820         51.0       70.0
North Carolina ..:   370.0     400.0     933        912         906        719.0      755.0
Oklahoma ........:   180.0     315.0     560        655         533        210.0      350.0
South Carolina ..:   207.0     220.0     937        829         829        404.0      380.0
Tennessee .......:   260.0     250.0   1,250      1,056       1,114        677.0      580.0
Texas ...........: 2,123.0   3,679.0     618        595         542      2,733.0    4,156.0
Virginia ........:    80.0      90.0   1,122        987         960        187.0      180.0
United States ...: 6,439.6   8,634.6     899        840         807     12,066.0   14,512.0
1/ Production ginned and to be ginned.
2/ 480-pound net weight bale.
Cottonseed Production - United States: 2023 and Forecasted September 1, 2024
                 :                        Production
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------
                 :            2023             :           2024 1/
                 :                        1,000 tons
United States ...:           3,644.0                       4,425.0
1/ Based on a 3-year average lint-seed ratio.

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