STAT Communications Ag Market News

USDA Inches Corn Estimate Upward

WASHINGTON - Sep 12/24 - SNS -- Corn production for grain is forecast at 15.2 billion bushels, up less than 1% from the previous forecast but down 1% from 2023, according to the latest USDA production forecasts.

Based on conditions as of September 1, yields are expected to average 183.6 bushels per harvested acre, up 0.5 bushel from the previous forecast and up 6.3 bushels from last year. Record high yields are forecast in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Area harvested for grain is forecast at 82.7 million acres, unchanged from the previous forecast but down 4% from the previous year.

The September 1 Corn objective yield data indicate the highest number of ears on record for the combined objective yield States (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin).

Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and
United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                    : Area planted for all purposes :   Area harvested for grain
        State       :---------------------------------------------------------------
                    :     2023      :     2024      :     2023      :    2024 1/
                    :                          1,000 acres
Alabama ............:       330             280             320             270
Arizona ............:       105              70              38              18
Arkansas ...........:       850             500             830             485
California .........:       400             440              40              65
Colorado ...........:     1,330           1,460           1,015           1,175
Connecticut 2/ .....:        24              24            (NA)            (NA)
Delaware ...........:       175             165             172             162
Florida ............:        90              85              62              48
Georgia ............:       485             375             440             340
Idaho ..............:       360             380             115             125
Illinois ...........:    11,200          10,800          11,050          10,650
Indiana ............:     5,450           5,200           5,310           5,060
Iowa ...............:    13,100          12,900          12,550          12,350
Kansas .............:     5,750           6,300           5,150           5,800
Kentucky ...........:     1,600           1,370           1,500           1,280
Louisiana ..........:       700             470             680             445
Maine 2/ ...........:        28              30            (NA)            (NA)
Maryland ...........:       480             440             440             405
Massachusetts 2/ ...:        14              14            (NA)            (NA)
Michigan ...........:     2,400           2,250           2,060           1,900
Minnesota ..........:     8,600           8,200           8,180           7,650
Mississippi ........:       790             490             770             475
Missouri ...........:     3,850           3,450           3,670           3,260
Montana ............:       135             135              68              72
Nebraska ...........:     9,950          10,100           9,500           9,700
Nevada 2/ ..........:        13              20            (NA)            (NA)
New Hampshire 2/ ...:        13              12            (NA)            (NA)
New Jersey .........:        74              71              65              67
New Mexico .........:       125             105              47              36
New York ...........:     1,040           1,010             600             570
North Carolina .....:       950             890             900             840
North Dakota .......:     4,050           3,950           3,800           3,640
Ohio ...............:     3,600           3,400           3,400           3,170
Oklahoma ...........:       390             450             340             390
Oregon .............:        95              95              55              57
Pennsylvania .......:     1,040             990             680             675
Rhode Island 2/ ....:         2               2            (NA)            (NA)
South Carolina .....:       365             345             350             325
South Dakota .......:     6,300           5,900           5,620           5,260
Tennessee ..........:       940             700             890             660
Texas ..............:     2,500           2,200           2,100           1,780
Utah ...............:        75              75              27              34
Vermont 2/ .........:        89              94            (NA)            (NA)
Virginia ...........:       495             460             375             350
Washington .........:       160             170              75              89
West Virginia ......:        44              41              32              31
Wisconsin ..........:     4,000           3,750           3,140           2,940
Wyoming ............:        85              90              57              61
United States ......:    94,641          90,748          86,513          82,710
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Area harvested for grain not estimated.
Corn for Grain Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted September 1, 2024
                 :  Area harvested   :          Yield per acre          :     Production
      State      :         :         :          :         2024          :          :
                 :  2023   :  2024   :   2023   :-----------------------:   2023   :   2024
                 :         :         :          : August 1  :September 1:          :
                 :    1,000 acres       ---------- bushels ----------    --- 1,000 bushels ---
Alabama .........:    320       270     164.0       117.0       108.0        52,480     29,160
Arkansas ........:    830       485     183.0       186.0       186.0       151,890     90,210
Colorado ........:  1,015     1,175     122.0       128.0       123.0       123,830    144,525
Delaware ........:    172       162     189.0       153.0       168.0        32,508     27,216
Georgia .........:    440       340     174.0       149.0       146.0        76,560     49,640
Idaho ...........:    115       125     203.0       220.0       215.0        23,345     26,875
Illinois ........: 11,050    10,650     206.0       225.0       222.0     2,276,300  2,364,300
Indiana .........:  5,310     5,060     203.0       207.0       210.0     1,077,930  1,062,600
Iowa ............: 12,550    12,350     201.0       209.0       212.0     2,522,550  2,618,200
Kansas ..........:  5,150     5,800     119.0       128.0       131.0       612,850    759,800
Kentucky ........:  1,500     1,280     187.0       187.0       187.0       280,500    239,360
Louisiana .......:    680       445     175.0       185.0       191.0       119,000     84,995
Maryland ........:    440       405     165.0       137.0       137.0        72,600     55,485
Michigan ........:  2,060     1,900     168.0       177.0       182.0       346,080    345,800
Minnesota .......:  8,180     7,650     185.0       185.0       183.0     1,513,300  1,399,950
Mississippi .....:    770       475     181.0       186.0       190.0       139,370     90,250
Missouri ........:  3,670     3,260     153.0       181.0       181.0       561,510    590,060
Nebraska ........:  9,500     9,700     182.0       194.0       195.0     1,729,000  1,891,500
New York ........:    600       570     159.0       165.0       168.0        95,400     95,760
North Carolina ..:    900       840     147.0       100.0        88.0       132,300     73,920
North Dakota ....:  3,800     3,640     143.0       144.0       146.0       543,400    531,440
Ohio ............:  3,400     3,170     198.0       188.0       187.0       673,200    592,790
Oklahoma ........:    340       390     149.0       142.0       139.0        50,660     54,210
Pennsylvania ....:    680       675     157.0       135.0       139.0       106,760     93,825
South Carolina ..:    350       325     150.0        95.0        90.0        52,500     29,250
South Dakota ....:  5,620     5,260     152.0       162.0       163.0       854,240    857,380
Tennessee .......:    890       660     173.0       160.0       153.0       153,970    100,980
Texas ...........:  2,100     1,780     122.0       117.0       121.0       256,200    215,380
Virginia ........:    375       350     157.0       100.0       100.0        58,875     35,000
Washington ......:     75        89     240.0       250.0       240.0        18,000     21,360
Wisconsin .......:  3,140     2,940     176.0       183.0       182.0       552,640    535,080
Other States 1/ .:    491       489     166.7       160.5       162.0        81,847     79,209
United States ...: 86,513    82,710     177.3       183.1       183.6    15,341,595 15,185,510
1/ Other States include Arizona, California, Florida, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico,
   Oregon, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Individual State level estimates will be
   published in the "Crop Production 2024 Summary."

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