STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Sep 16, 2024

           USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Sep 16, 2024
                           (per cent in the bin)
Harvest Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Colorado                  8          0          7          9
Idaho                    44         24         63         46
Michigan                 17          2          5          7
Minnesota                17          5         34         29
Nebraska                 31          5         15         24
North Dakota             37          5         31         31
Washington               60         46         51         54
Wyoming                  27          8          4          9
United States            28          6         24         25

USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Colorado 3,538 0 1,724 2,844 Idaho 19,759 10,777 24,519 23,645 Michigan 48,765 5,737 11,490 15,695 Minnesota 46,144 13,572 77,574 63,285 Nebraska 38,289 6,176 13,377 27,680 North Dakota 207,338 28,019 125,696 129,881 Washington 34,020 26,082 20,196 22,020 Wyoming 5,481 1,624 543 1,533 United States 415,460 86,463 276,745 295,340 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas
            USA - Dry Edible Bean Crop Condition-- Sep 16, 2024
                                (per cent)
Condition         Very Poor       Poor       Fair       Good  Excellent
Colorado                 10          6         19         64          1
Idaho                     0          8         16         65         12
Michigan                  3          1         32         57          7
Minnesota                 1          3         24         65          7
Nebraska                  3          7         23         40         27
North Dakota              2          6         32         53          7
Washington              N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
Wyoming                 N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
United States             2          5         28         53          8

USA - Implied Area By Condition (acres) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Colorado 5,200 3,120 9,880 33,280 520 Idaho 0 3,600 7,200 29,250 5,400 Michigan 7,500 2,500 80,000 142,500 17,500 Minnesota 2,800 8,400 67,200 182,000 19,600 Nebraska 3,900 9,100 29,900 52,000 35,100 North Dakota 14,600 43,800 233,600 386,900 51,100 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 Wyoming 0 0 0 0 0 United States 36,185 75,053 455,276 879,018 137,526 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas

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