STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Sep 23, 2024

           USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Sep 23, 2024
                           (per cent in the bin)
Harvest Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Colorado                 14          8         21         20
Idaho                    61         44         83         66
Michigan                 59         17         26         26
Minnesota                44         17         62         49
Nebraska                 46         31         32         45
North Dakota             34         27         54         49
Washington               83         60         74         75
Wyoming                  44         27          4         43
United States            40         23         45         43

USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Colorado 6,192 3,538 5,172 6,320 Idaho 27,393 19,759 32,302 33,925 Michigan 169,244 48,765 59,746 58,295 Minnesota 119,430 46,144 141,459 106,931 Nebraska 56,817 38,289 28,537 51,899 North Dakota 190,527 151,301 218,954 205,295 Washington 47,061 34,020 29,303 30,584 Wyoming 8,932 5,481 543 7,326 United States 599,769 349,040 515,369 507,842 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas
            USA - Dry Edible Bean Crop Condition-- Sep 23, 2024
                                (per cent)
Condition         Very Poor       Poor       Fair       Good  Excellent
Colorado                 12          6         13         66          3
Idaho                     0          8         14         78          0
Michigan                  4          7         29         53          7
Minnesota                 1          3         23         66          7
Nebraska                  3          7         27         42         21
North Dakota              2          5         33         51          9
Washington              N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
Wyoming                 N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
United States             2          5         27         52          8

USA - Implied Area By Condition (acres) Condition Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Colorado 6,240 3,120 6,760 34,320 1,560 Idaho 0 3,600 6,300 35,100 0 Michigan 10,000 17,500 72,500 132,500 17,500 Minnesota 2,800 8,400 64,400 184,800 19,600 Nebraska 3,900 9,100 35,100 54,600 27,300 North Dakota 14,600 36,500 240,900 372,300 65,700 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 Wyoming 0 0 0 0 0 United States 39,953 83,248 453,339 865,917 140,123 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas

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