STAT Communications Ag Market News

Record U.S. Canola Harvest

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS -- Canola production is expected to reach a record 4.93 billion pounds in the United States, up 14% from the 2023 revised production in comparable States, according to the USDA.

Production in North Dakota will be the highest on record, if realized. Production in Washington will be the second highest on record, if realized.

Area planted for the Nation, at a record high 2.76 million acres, is up 4% from the June estimate and up 14% from last year's area in comparable States. Canola farmers expect to harvest a record high 2.72 million acres, up 4% from June and up 13% from 2023 in comparable States. Acreage updates were made in several States based on a thorough review of all available data.

The October yield forecast, at 1,811 pounds per acre, is 18 pounds above last year's revised yield in comparable States and will be the fifth highest yield on record, if realized.

The average yield forecast in Kansas and Oklahoma is up 600 pounds per acre and 1,000 pounds per acre from last year's average yield in those States, respectively. Meanwhile, the average yield forecast in Montana is down 520 pounds per acre from 2023. Record high yields are forecast in Minnesota and Oklahoma.

After being discontinued in 2019, estimates for canola began again for Idaho in 2024.

Canola Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
                  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Idaho 2/ .........:        (NA)              95.0              (NA)              93.0
Kansas ...........:         1.5               8.5               0.7               8.0
Minnesota ........:        80.0             110.0              79.0             108.0
Montana ..........:       165.0             215.0             160.0             205.0
North Dakota .....:     1,930.0           2,150.0           1,915.0           2,130.0
Oklahoma .........:         3.0              21.0               1.5              18.0
Washington .......:       165.0             160.0             163.0             158.0
United States ....:     2,344.5           2,759.5           2,319.2           2,720.0
(NA) Not available.
1/   Forecasted.
2/   Estimates began in 2024.
Canola Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted October 1, 2024
     State    :    Area harvested     :    Yield per acre     :      Production
              :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :   2024
              :  --- 1,000 acres ---      ----- pounds ----     ---- 1,000 pounds ---
Idaho 1/ .....:     (NA)        93.0       (NA)       1,800          (NA)     167,400
Kansas .......:      0.7         8.0        600       1,200           420       9,600
Minnesota ....:     79.0       108.0      2,470       2,500       195,130     270,000
Montana ......:    160.0       205.0      1,420         900       227,200     184,500
North Dakota .:  1,915.0     2,130.0      1,810       1,880     3,466,150   4,004,400
Oklahoma .....:      1.5        18.0        800       1,800         1,200      32,400
Washington ...:    163.0       158.0      1,640       1,630       267,320     257,540
United States :  2,319.2     2,720.0      1,793       1,811     4,157,420   4,925,840
(NA) Not available.
1/   Estimates began in 2024.

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