STAT Communications Ag Market News

Improving Alfalfa Yields

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS -- Production of alfalfa and alfalfa mixture dry hay for 2024 is forecast at 54.0 million tons, up 3% from the August forecast and up 8% from 2023, according to the USDA.

Based on October 1 conditions, the United States yield is expected to average 2.03 tons per acre, down 0.04 ton from the August forecast but up 0.18 ton from last year.

Harvested area is forecast at 35.9 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report but down 3% from 2023. A record high yield is expected in Wyoming while a record low production is expected in Ohio.

Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixtures for Hay Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and
United States: 2023 and Forecasted October 1, 2024
                :     Area harvested      :     Yield per acre      :       Production
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                :    2023    :    2024    :    2023    :    2024    :    2023    :    2024
                :   --- 1,000 acres ---        ------ tons -----        ---- 1,000 tons ---
Arizona ........:      280          300        8.30         7.60         2,324        2,280
California .....:      480          480        6.50         7.50         3,120        3,600
Colorado .......:      650          700        3.40         4.00         2,210        2,800
Idaho ..........:    1,000          970        4.50         4.20         4,500        4,074
Illinois .......:      180          220        3.80         3.75           684          825
Indiana ........:      270          260        2.50         3.30           675          858
Iowa ...........:      750          720        3.20         4.10         2,400        2,952
Kansas .........:      735          610        3.05         3.90         2,242        2,379
Kentucky .......:       90           80        3.00         3.30           270          264
Michigan .......:      550          550        2.50         3.50         1,375        1,925
Minnesota ......:      660          680        2.55         3.40         1,683        2,312
Missouri .......:      205          230        2.20         3.50           451          805
Montana ........:    1,650        1,830        2.10         1.90         3,465        3,477
Nebraska .......:      850          930        3.40         4.00         2,890        3,720
Nevada .........:      240          220        4.80         4.90         1,152        1,078
New Mexico .....:      155          130        4.80         4.50           744          585
New York .......:      200          200        2.30         2.40           460          480
North Dakota ...:    1,530        1,200        1.70         1.85         2,601        2,220
Ohio ...........:      290          290        3.90         2.10         1,131          609
Oklahoma .......:      175          200        3.90         3.20           683          640
Oregon .........:      320          350        4.70         4.80         1,504        1,680
Pennsylvania ...:      270          270        3.00         3.00           810          810
South Dakota ...:    1,690        1,650        2.35         2.70         3,972        4,455
Texas ..........:       85           90        5.50         5.80           468          522
Utah ...........:      490          515        4.00         3.90         1,960        2,009
Virginia .......:       35           35        3.20         2.50           112           88
Washington .....:      440          440        4.90         5.20         2,156        2,288
Wisconsin ......:      640          800        2.70         3.20         1,728        2,560
Wyoming ........:      590          555        3.00         2.40         1,770        1,332
Other States 1/ :      134          122        2.81         2.85           376          348
United States ..:   15,634       15,627        3.19         3.45        49,916       53,975
1/ For 2023, other States include Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
   Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont,
   and West Virginia. For 2024, other States include Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
   Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont,
   and West Virginia. Individual State level estimates will be published in the "Crop
   Production 2024 Summary."

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