STAT Communications Ag Market News

Sugarbeet Forecast Inches Up

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS -- Production of sugarbeets for the 2024 crop year is forecast at 35.6 million tons, up 1% from last month and up 1% from last year, according to the USDA.

Producers expect to harvest 1.08 million acres, unchanged from last month but down 5% from last year. Yield is forecast at 33.1 tons per acre, up 0.2 ton from last month and up 1.9 tons from last year.

Sugarbeet Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and
Forecasted October 1, 2024
[Relates to year of intended harvest in all States except California]
              :  Area harvested   :          Yield per acre           :    Production
     State    :         :         :         :          2024           :         :
              :  2023   :  2024   :  2023   :-------------------------:  2023   :  2024
              :         :         :         :September 1 : October 1  :         :
              : -- 1,000 acres --    ------------ tons -----------      -- 1,000 tons --
California 1/ :    22.6      22.6    48.8        48.8         48.8       1,103     1,103
Colorado .....:    21.3      23.5    28.3        32.7         32.8         603       771
Idaho ........:   174.0     169.0    40.0        39.3         39.2       6,960     6,625
Michigan .....:   132.0     134.0    33.9        36.5         33.4       4,475     4,476
Minnesota ....:   438.0     401.0    28.7        29.9         30.9      12,571    12,391
Montana ......:    23.3      24.0    31.6        32.3         32.5         736       780
Nebraska .....:    46.6      46.7    28.6        31.5         31.2       1,333     1,457
North Dakota .:   228.0     211.0    26.8        29.9         30.7       6,110     6,478
Oregon .......:    10.7      10.4    36.4        37.3         37.3         389       388
Washington ...:     2.0       1.9    49.7        48.8         48.8          99        93
Wyoming ......:    28.8      31.0    29.4        30.9         32.6         847     1,011
United States : 1,127.3   1,075.1    31.2        32.9         33.1      35,226    35,573
1/ Relates to year of planting for overwintered beets in southern California.

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