STAT Communications Ag Market News

Smallest Sunseed Crop Since 1976

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS --The first sunflower production forecast for 2024 is 1.30 billion pounds, down 42% from the revised 2023 production of 2.26 billion pounds, according to the USDA.

If realized, sunflower production for the Nation will be the lowest since 1976. Area planted, at 720,000 acres, is down 20% from the June estimate and down 45% from last year. Production was not broken down by class.

Sunflower growers expect to harvest 691,000 acres, down 20% from the June forecast and down 45% from 2023. Planted and harvested area both represent the lowest on record for the Nation. Acreage updates were made in several States based on a thorough review of all available data.

The October yield forecast, at 1,889 pounds per acre, is 102 pounds higher than last year's average yield and will represent the highest on record for the Nation, if realized.

The forecasted production in North Dakota, the leading sunflower-producing State this year, is 591 million pounds, a decrease of 47% from 2023. Compared with last year, the average yield forecast of 1,997 pounds per acre in North Dakota is down 1 pound per acre. In South Dakota, the average yield is forecast at a record high 1,998 pounds per acre, up 288 pounds per acre from last year.

Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024
[Includes updates to planted and harvested area previously published]
   Varietal type  :           Area planted            :          Area harvested
     and State    :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :      2023       :      2024       :      2023       :     2024 1/
                  :                              1,000 acres
Oil               :
California .......:        28.0             15.5               27.5             15.0
Colorado .........:        26.0             23.0               23.0             20.0
Kansas ...........:        28.0             10.0               26.0              9.5
Minnesota ........:        49.0             32.0               48.0             31.0
Nebraska .........:        31.0             26.0               30.0             25.0
North Dakota .....:       500.0            230.0              490.0            225.0
South Dakota .....:       455.0            245.0              440.0            235.0
Texas ............:        44.0             15.0               38.0             14.0
United States ....:     1,161.0            596.5            1,122.5            574.5
Non-oil           :
California .......:         0.5              0.5                0.5              0.5
Colorado .........:         8.0              0.5                5.0              0.4
Kansas ...........:         6.0              1.0                5.0              0.9
Minnesota ........:         9.5              6.7                9.0              6.2
Nebraska .........:         8.5              2.3                7.5              2.1
North Dakota .....:        75.0             75.0               71.0             71.0
South Dakota .....:        40.0             34.0               38.0             32.0
Texas ............:         6.5              3.5                5.0              2.9
United States ....:       154.0            123.5              141.0            116.0
All               :
California .......:        28.5             16.0               28.0             15.5
Colorado .........:        34.0             23.5               28.0             20.4
Kansas ...........:        34.0             11.0               31.0             10.4
Minnesota ........:        58.5             38.7               57.0             37.2
Nebraska .........:        39.5             28.3               37.5             27.1
North Dakota .....:       575.0            305.0              561.0            296.0
South Dakota .....:       495.0            279.0              478.0            267.0
Texas ............:        50.5             18.5               43.0             16.9
United States ....:     1,315.0            720.0            1,263.5            690.5
1/ Forecasted.
Sunflower Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by Type - States and United States:
2023 and Forecasted October 1, 2024
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
  Varietal type :    Area harvested     :    Yield per acre     :      Production
    and State   :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2023    :   2024    :   2023    :  2024 1/  :   2023    :  2024 1/
                :  --- 1,000 acres --       ----- pounds ----     ---- 1,000 pounds ---
Oil             :
California .....:     27.5       15.0       1,050                    28,875
Colorado .......:     23.0       20.0         940                    21,620
Kansas .........:     26.0        9.5         930                    24,180
Minnesota ......:     48.0       31.0       2,300                   110,400
Nebraska .......:     30.0       25.0       1,180                    35,400
North Dakota ...:    490.0      225.0       1,970                   965,300
South Dakota ...:    440.0      235.0       1,650                   726,000
Texas ..........:     38.0       14.0       1,350                    51,300
United States ..:  1,122.5      574.5       1,749                 1,963,075
Non-oil         :
California .....:      0.5        0.5       1,100                       550
Colorado .......:      5.0        0.4       1,100                     5,500
Kansas .........:      5.0        0.9         850                     4,250
Minnesota ......:      9.0        6.2       2,400                    21,600
Nebraska .......:      7.5        2.1       1,170                     8,775
North Dakota ...:     71.0       71.0       2,190                   155,490
South Dakota ...:     38.0       32.0       2,400                    91,200
Texas ..........:      5.0        2.9       1,450                     7,250
United States ..:    141.0      116.0       2,089                   294,615
All             :
California .....:     28.0       15.5       1,051       1,052        29,425      16,300
Colorado .......:     28.0       20.4         969         945        27,120      19,276
Kansas .........:     31.0       10.4         917       1,204        28,430      12,525
Minnesota ......:     57.0       37.2       2,316       2,133       132,000      79,360
Nebraska .......:     37.5       27.1       1,178       1,068        44,175      28,936
North Dakota ...:    561.0      296.0       1,998       1,997     1,120,790     591,050
South Dakota ...:    478.0      267.0       1,710       1,998       817,200     533,450
Texas ..........:     43.0       16.9       1,362       1,400        58,550      23,660
United States ..:  1,263.5      690.5       1,787       1,889     2,257,690   1,304,557
1/ 2024 yield and production estimates for oil and non-oil varieties will be published
   in the "Crop Production 2024 Summary."

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