STAT Communications Ag Market News

Rice Crop Inches Upward

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS -- All rice production is forecast at 220 million cwt (100 pound units), up slightly from the previous forecast and up 1% from the previous year, according to the USDA.

Area for harvest is expected to total 2.90 million acres, unchanged from the previous estimate but up 1% from last year.

Based on conditions as of October 1, the average United States yield is forecast at 7,590 pounds per acre, up 2 pounds per acre from the previous forecast, but down 59 pounds per acre from 2023.

Rice Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2023 and Forecasted
October 1, 2024
              :   Area harvested    :            Yield per acre            :    Production 1/
     State    :          :          :            :          2024           :          :
              :   2023   :   2024   :    2023    :-------------------------:   2023   :   2024
              :          :          :            :September 1 : October 1  :          :
              :     1,000 acres         ------------ pounds -----------      ---- 1,000 cwt ---
Arkansas .....:  1,417      1,431       7,550        7,600        7,600      106,968    108,756
California ...:    512        485       8,590        8,800        8,650       43,971     41,953
Louisiana ....:    462        466       6,800        6,650        6,650       31,431     30,989
Mississippi ..:    120        156       7,470        7,500        7,500        8,964     11,700
Missouri .....:    200        214       7,990        7,600        7,700       15,985     16,478
Texas ........:    143        144       7,670        6,500        6,900       10,972      9,936
United States :  2,854      2,896       7,649        7,588        7,590      218,291    219,812
1/ Includes sweet rice production.
Rice Production by Class - United States: 2023 and Forecasted October 1, 2024
            :                :                :                :
    Year    :   Long grain   :  Medium grain  : Short grain 1/ :      All
            :                :                :                :
            :                             1,000 cwt
2023 .......:    153,871           63,217           1,203           218,291
2024 2/ ....:    166,808           51,481           1,523           219,812
1/ Sweet rice production included with short grain.
2/ The 2024 rice production by class forecasts are based on class harvested
   acreage estimates and the 5-year average class yield compared to the all rice

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