STAT Communications Ag Market News

5% Cut In Orange Forecast

WASHINGTON - Oct 11/24 -SNS -- The United States all orange forecast for the 2024-2025 season is 2.62 million tons, down 5% from the 2023-2024 final utilization, according to the USDA.

The Florida all orange forecast, at 15.0 million boxes (675,000 tons), is down 16% from last season's final utilization.

In Florida, early, midseason, and Navel varieties are forecast at 6.00 million boxes (270,000 tons), down 11% from last season's final utilization. The Florida Valencia orange forecast, at 9.00 million boxes (405,000 tons), is down 20% from last season's final utilization.

The California all orange forecast is 47.7 million boxes (1.91 million tons), up less than 1% from the last season's final utilization.

The California Navel orange forecast is 39.0 million boxes (1.56 million tons), unchanged from last month but up 2% from the last season's final utilization. The California Valencia orange forecast is 8.70 million boxes (348,000 tons), down 6% from last season's final utilization.

The Texas all orange forecast, at 850,000 boxes (36,000 tons), is down 28% from last season's final utilization.

Utilized Production of Citrus Fruits by Crop - States and United States: 2023-2024 and
Forecasted October 1, 2024
[The crop year begins with the bloom of the first year shown and ends with the completion of
harvest the following year]
                            :   Utilized production boxes 1/    :Utilized production ton equivalent
       Crop and State       :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                            :    2023-2024    :    2024-2025    :    2023-2024    :    2024-2025
                            :     ------ 1,000 boxes -----             ------ 1,000 tons -----
Oranges                     :
California, all ............:     47,500            47,700             1,900             1,908
 Early, mid, and Navel 2/ ..:     38,200            39,000             1,528             1,560
 Valencia ..................:      9,300             8,700               372               348
Florida, all ...............:     17,960            15,000               808               675
 Early, mid, and Navel 2/ ..:      6,760             6,000               304               270
 Valencia ..................:     11,200             9,000               504               405
Texas, all .................:      1,180               850                50                36
 Early, mid, and Navel 2/ ..:        690               400                29                17
 Valencia ..................:        490               450                21                19
United States, all .........:     66,640            63,550             2,758             2,619
 Early, mid, and Navel 2/ ..:     45,650            45,400             1,861             1,847
 Valencia ..................:     20,990            18,150               897               772
Grapefruit                  :
California .................:      4,300             4,200               172               168
Florida, all ...............:      1,790             1,400                76                60
Texas ......................:      2,400             1,900                96                76
United States ..............:      8,490             7,500               344               304
Tangerines and mandarins 3/ :
California .................:     27,400            25,000             1,096             1,000
Florida ....................:        450               400                21                19
United States ..............:     27,850            25,400             1,117             1,019
Lemons                      :
Arizona ....................:        950               900                38                36
California .................:     24,600            26,000               984             1,040
Florida 4/ .................:       (NA)               500              (NA)                23
United States ..............:     25,550            27,400             1,022             1,099
(NA) Not available.
1/   Net pounds per box: oranges in California-80, Florida-90, Texas-85; grapefruit in
     California-80, Florida-85, Texas-80; tangerines and mandarins in California-80, Florida-95;
     lemons in Arizona-80, California-80, Florida-90.
2/   Navel and miscellaneous varieties in California. Early (including Navel) and midseason
     varieties in Florida and Texas.
3/   Includes tangelos and tangors.
4/   Estimates began with the 2024-2025 crop year.

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