USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Oct 15, 2024 (per cent in the bin) Harvest Progress This Week Last Week Last Year Average Colorado 44 35 74 66 Idaho 88 80 97 92 Michigan 98 94 85 80 Minnesota 95 86 94 88 Nebraska 81 76 76 83 North Dakota 96 88 90 85 Washington 100 95 98 95 Wyoming 87 75 66 81 United States 87 80 82 80
USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Colorado 19,559 15,558 18,226 20,854 Idaho 42,152 38,320 37,751 47,289 Michigan 286,630 274,931 195,323 179,370 Minnesota 234,419 212,211 214,470 192,038 Nebraska 93,360 87,597 67,775 95,725 North Dakota 510,133 467,622 364,923 356,124 Washington 57,516 54,640 38,807 38,739 Wyoming 17,748 15,300 8,951 13,800 United States 1,264,105 1,165,059 940,543 946,856 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeasOnly active subscribers can read all of this article.
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