STAT Communications Ag Market News

USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Oct 21, 2024

           USA - Dry Edible Bean Harvest Progress -- Oct 21, 2024
                           (per cent in the bin)
Harvest Progress  This Week  Last Week  Last Year    Average
Colorado                 73         44         84         82
Idaho                    99         88        100        100
Michigan                100         98         95         90
Minnesota               100         95        100         98
Nebraska                 93         81         89         91
North Dakota            100         96         95         92
Washington              100        100        100        100
Wyoming                  91         87         76         92
United States            92         87         89         87

USA - Implied Quantity Harvested (metric tons) Colorado 32,450 19,559 20,689 25,910 Idaho 47,421 42,152 38,919 51,402 Michigan 292,479 286,630 218,303 201,792 Minnesota 246,757 234,419 228,159 213,861 Nebraska 107,191 93,360 79,368 104,952 North Dakota 531,389 510,133 385,197 385,452 Washington 57,516 57,516 39,599 40,778 Wyoming 18,564 17,748 10,308 15,674 United States 1,338,304 1,264,105 1,013,280 1,040,924 BASED on state crop reports. This includes chickpeas

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