WINNIPEG - Dec 5/24 - SNS -- The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) reports 370,300 metric tons (MT) field pea were loaded for export through licensed terminal and primary elevators which are required to report to it all grain movement in October.
The CGC data does not include exports from non-reporting locations. It is important to recall that the CGC data may not match official export data. The CGC counts product when it is loaded to ships, while Statistics Canada bases its calculations on the bill of lading date.
This lifted bulk export loadings for field peas for the marketing year to 1,007,700 MT, up 40% from the 717,500 loaded during the same period last season.
Movement during the month was down 41% from the 370,300 MT shipped the previous month but up 71% from the 218,400 MT shipped the same month last year.
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