STAT Communications Ag Market News

Bigger U.S. Cotton Crop

WASHINGTON - Jan 10/25 - SNS -- All cotton production is estimated at 14.4 million 480-pound bales, up 19% from 2023, according to the USDA's final production estimates for 2024.

The United States yield is estimated at 836 pounds per acre, down 63 pounds from last year. Harvested area, at 8.27 million acres, is up 28% from last year.

Upland cotton production was forecasted at 13.9 million 480-pound bales, up 19% from the previous year. The United States yield for upland cotton is forecasted at 829 pounds per acre, down 66 pounds from 2023. Upland planted area, forecasted at 11.0 million acres, was up 9% from the previous year. Harvested area, at 8.07 million acres, was up 28% from the previous year. If realized, the forecasted production for upland and all cotton in Missouri will be a record high. Forecasted yields for upland and all cotton in Arkansas and Missouri will be record highs.

American Pima producers planted 207,000 acres in 2024, up 41% from 2023. Harvested area, at 200,700 acres, was up 46% from the previous year. Production was forecasted at 468,000 480-pound bales, up 48% from 2023. The United States yield was forecasted at 1,119 pounds per acre, up 18 pounds from the previous year.

Ginnings totaled 13,051,300 running bales prior to January 1.

Cottonseed production for 2024, based on a 3-year average lint-seed ratio, is expected to total 4.40 million tons, up 21% from 2023.

Cotton Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production by Type - States and
United States: 2022-2024
                 :          Area planted          :          Area harvested
  Type and State :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :   2022   :   2023   :   2024   :   2022    :   2023    :   2024
                 :                            1,000 acres
Upland           :
Alabama .........:    435.0      380.0      400.0      430.0       374.0       395.0
Arizona .........:     87.0       76.0       96.0       86.0        75.0        95.0
Arkansas ........:    640.0      510.0      650.0      625.0       505.0       640.0
California ......:     19.0       13.0       21.0       18.5        12.8        20.5
Florida .........:    106.0       89.0       85.0      103.0        87.0        83.0
Georgia .........:  1,290.0    1,110.0    1,100.0    1,270.0     1,100.0     1,090.0
Kansas ..........:    163.0      112.0      131.0      136.0        94.0       124.0
Louisiana .......:    195.0      120.0      155.0      190.0       115.0       148.0
Mississippi .....:    530.0      400.0      520.0      525.0       395.0       515.0
Missouri ........:    360.0      335.0      400.0      340.0       330.0       380.0
New Mexico ......:     66.0       32.0       41.0       29.0        17.0        30.0
North Carolina ..:    470.0      380.0      410.0      460.0       370.0       400.0
Oklahoma ........:    660.0      420.0      435.0      220.0       180.0       190.0
South Carolina ..:    270.0      210.0      225.0      266.0       207.0       220.0
Tennessee .......:    335.0      265.0      265.0      325.0       260.0       250.0
Texas ...........:  7,850.0    5,550.0    5,950.0    2,000.0     2,100.0     3,400.0
Virginia ........:     91.0       81.0       91.0       90.0        80.0        90.0
United States ...: 13,567.0   10,083.0   10,975.0    7,113.5     6,301.8     8,070.5
American Pima    :
Arizona .........:     15.0       16.0       14.0       14.4        16.0        14.0
California ......:    115.0       85.0      145.0      114.0        82.0       141.0
New Mexico ......:     19.0       17.0       15.0       18.7        16.8        14.7
Texas ...........:     33.0       29.0       33.0       29.0        23.0        31.0
United States ...:    182.0      147.0      207.0      176.1       137.8       200.7
All              :
Alabama .........:    435.0      380.0      400.0      430.0       374.0       395.0
Arizona .........:    102.0       92.0      110.0      100.4        91.0       109.0
Arkansas ........:    640.0      510.0      650.0      625.0       505.0       640.0
California ......:    134.0       98.0      166.0      132.5        94.8       161.5
Florida .........:    106.0       89.0       85.0      103.0        87.0        83.0
Georgia .........:  1,290.0    1,110.0    1,100.0    1,270.0     1,100.0     1,090.0
Kansas ..........:    163.0      112.0      131.0      136.0        94.0       124.0
Louisiana .......:    195.0      120.0      155.0      190.0       115.0       148.0
Mississippi .....:    530.0      400.0      520.0      525.0       395.0       515.0
Missouri ........:    360.0      335.0      400.0      340.0       330.0       380.0
New Mexico ......:     85.0       49.0       56.0       47.7        33.8        44.7
North Carolina ..:    470.0      380.0      410.0      460.0       370.0       400.0
Oklahoma ........:    660.0      420.0      435.0      220.0       180.0       190.0
South Carolina ..:    270.0      210.0      225.0      266.0       207.0       220.0
Tennessee .......:    335.0      265.0      265.0      325.0       260.0       250.0
Texas ...........:  7,883.0    5,579.0    5,983.0    2,029.0     2,123.0     3,431.0
Virginia ........:     91.0       81.0       91.0       90.0        80.0        90.0
United States ...: 13,749.0   10,230.0   11,182.0    7,289.6     6,439.6     8,271.2
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                           --continued
Cotton Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production by Type - States and
United States: 2022-2024 (continued)
                 :       Yield per acre        :            Production 1/
  Type and State :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :  2022   :  2023   :  2024   :    2022    :    2023    :    2024
                 :  --------- pounds --------     --------- 1,000 bales 2/ ---------
Upland           :
Alabama .........:    930       937       796        833.0        730.0        655.0
Arizona .........:  1,563     1,331     1,263        280.0        208.0        250.0
Arkansas ........:  1,189     1,295     1,313      1,548.0      1,362.0      1,750.0
California ......:  1,946     2,025     1,405         75.0         54.0         60.0
Florida .........:    769       612       723        165.0        111.0        125.0
Georgia .........:  1,002       949       850      2,650.0      2,175.0      1,930.0
Kansas ..........:    586       761       774        166.0        149.0        200.0
Louisiana .......:    904       872     1,070        358.0        209.0        330.0
Mississippi .....:  1,084     1,083     1,165      1,186.0        891.0      1,250.0
Missouri ........:  1,240     1,361     1,389        878.0        936.0      1,100.0
New Mexico ......:    993       649       496         60.0         23.0         31.0
North Carolina ..:  1,049       933       906      1,005.0        719.0        755.0
Oklahoma ........:    663       560       632        304.0        210.0        250.0
South Carolina ..:    911       937       873        505.0        404.0        400.0
Tennessee .......:  1,053     1,250     1,066        713.0        677.0        555.0
Texas ...........:    734       618       579      3,060.0      2,705.0      4,100.0
Virginia ........:  1,131     1,122     1,093        212.0        187.0        205.0
United States ...:    945       895       829     13,998.0     11,750.0     13,946.0
American Pima    :
Arizona .........:    933       900     1,029         28.0         30.0         30.0
California ......:  1,558     1,346     1,226        370.0        230.0        360.0
New Mexico ......:    719       800       686         28.0         28.0         21.0
Texas ...........:    728       584       883         44.0         28.0         57.0
United States ...:  1,281     1,101     1,119        470.0        316.0        468.0
All              :
Alabama .........:    930       937       796        833.0        730.0        655.0
Arizona .........:  1,473     1,255     1,233        308.0        238.0        280.0
Arkansas ........:  1,189     1,295     1,313      1,548.0      1,362.0      1,750.0
California ......:  1,612     1,438     1,248        445.0        284.0        420.0
Florida .........:    769       612       723        165.0        111.0        125.0
Georgia .........:  1,002       949       850      2,650.0      2,175.0      1,930.0
Kansas ..........:    586       761       774        166.0        149.0        200.0
Louisiana .......:    904       872     1,070        358.0        209.0        330.0
Mississippi .....:  1,084     1,083     1,165      1,186.0        891.0      1,250.0
Missouri ........:  1,240     1,361     1,389        878.0        936.0      1,100.0
New Mexico ......:    886       724       558         88.0         51.0         52.0
North Carolina ..:  1,049       933       906      1,005.0        719.0        755.0
Oklahoma ........:    663       560       632        304.0        210.0        250.0
South Carolina ..:    911       937       873        505.0        404.0        400.0
Tennessee .......:  1,053     1,250     1,066        713.0        677.0        555.0
Texas ...........:    734       618       582      3,104.0      2,733.0      4,157.0
Virginia ........:  1,131     1,122     1,093        212.0        187.0        205.0
United States ...:    953       899       836     14,468.0     12,066.0     14,414.0
1/ Production ginned and to be ginned.
2/ 480-pound net weight bale.
Cottonseed Production - States and United States: 2022-2024
               :                             Production
     State     :--------------------------------------------------------------------
               :         2022         :         2023         :       2024 1/
               :                             1,000 tons
Alabama .......:         236.0                  206.0                  187.0
Arizona .......:         121.0                   85.0                  102.0
Arkansas ......:         489.0                  411.0                  545.0
California ....:         153.0                  100.0                  145.0
Florida .......:          48.0                   32.0                   36.0
Georgia .......:         757.0                  624.0                  548.0
Kansas ........:          50.0                   46.0                   62.0
Louisiana .....:         109.0                   67.0                  103.0
Mississippi ...:         374.0                  277.0                  390.0
Missouri ......:         317.0                  322.0                  368.0
New Mexico ....:          23.0                   17.0                   16.0
North Carolina :         295.0                  206.0                  217.0
Oklahoma ......:          93.0                   61.0                   75.0
South Carolina :         141.0                  114.0                  113.0
Tennessee .....:         208.0                  207.0                  169.0
Texas .........:         940.0                  815.0                1,266.0
Virginia ......:          61.0                   54.0                   59.0
United States .:       4,415.0                3,644.0                4,401.0
1/ Estimates based on 3-year average lint-seed ratio.

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