STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Soybean Objective Yield Data - 2024

Soybean Objective Yield Data
The National Agricultural Statistics Service conducted an objective yield
survey in 11 soybean producing States during 2024. Randomly selected plots in
soybean fields were visited monthly from September through harvest to obtain
specific counts and measurements. Data in these tables are actual field
counts from this survey.
Soybean Pods with Beans per 18 Square Feet - Selected States: 2020-2024
     State     :         :         :         :         :         ::      State     :         :         :         :         :
   and month   :  2020   :  2021   :  2022   :  2023   :  2024   ::    and month   :  2020   :  2021   :  2022   :  2023   :  2024
               :                     number                      ::                :                     number
               :                                                 ::                :
Arkansas       :                                                 :: Missouri       :
September .....:  1,630     1,449     1,721     2,043     1,666  :: September .....:  1,977     1,925     1,736     2,099     2,034
October .......:  1,527     1,501     1,746     1,844     1,667  :: October .......:  2,093     1,886     1,606     1,991     2,044
November ......:  1,459     1,583     1,711     1,856     1,650  :: November ......:  2,036     2,047     1,880     2,062     2,022
Final .........:  1,418     1,623     1,711     1,824     1,693  :: Final .........:  2,041     2,121     1,875     2,058     2,023
               :                                                 ::                :
Illinois       :                                                 :: Nebraska       :
September .....:  2,019     2,080     1,896     1,952     1,938  :: September .....:  1,943     1,887     1,592     1,644     1,977
October .......:  2,127     2,120     1,888     2,085     2,167  :: October .......:  2,002     2,069     1,597     1,678     1,873
November ......:  2,170     2,222     2,010     2,121     2,167  :: November ......:  1,980     2,148     1,586     1,709     1,886
Final .........:  2,170     2,227     2,011     2,121     2,167  :: Final .........:  1,980     2,148     1,586     1,709     1,894
               :                                                 ::                :
Indiana        :                                                 :: North Dakota   :
September .....:  2,056     1,846     1,655     1,927     1,978  :: September .....:  1,242     1,055     1,281     1,250     1,352
October .......:  1,994     1,811     1,749     1,998     2,005  :: October .......:  1,439     1,014     1,298     1,203     1,435
November ......:  1,963     1,822     1,763     1,962     1,914  :: November ......:  1,442     1,009     1,357     1,408     1,485
Final .........:  1,959     1,836     1,773     1,962     1,913  :: Final .........:  1,442     1,009     1,357     1,404     1,490
               :                                                 ::                :
Iowa           :                                                 :: Ohio           :
September .....:  1,675     1,732     1,585     1,814     1,859  :: September .....:  1,811     2,060     1,798     1,847     1,797
October .......:  1,933     1,800     1,653     1,997     1,992  :: October .......:  1,972     1,989     1,890     2,003     1,957
November ......:  1,927     1,894     1,785     2,071     2,039  :: November ......:  1,983     2,074     1,788     2,030     1,929
Final .........:  1,927     1,890     1,780     2,070     2,038  :: Final .........:  1,981     2,116     1,780     2,030     1,908
               :                                                 ::                :
Kansas         :                                                 :: South Dakota   :
September .....:  1,650     1,404     1,456     1,500     1,365  :: September .....:  1,688     1,626     1,258     1,520     1,345
October .......:  1,699     1,480     1,400     1,372     1,366  :: October .......:  1,720     1,526     1,291     1,552     1,438
November ......:  1,629     1,551     1,392     1,500     1,256  :: November ......:  1,696     1,512     1,305     1,644     1,457
Final .........:  1,629     1,514     1,391     1,529     1,362  :: Final .........:  1,696     1,522     1,305     1,644     1,465
               :                                                 ::                :
Minnesota      :                                                 :: 11-State       :
September .....:  1,607     1,603     1,468     1,648     1,619  :: September .....:  1,780     1,717     1,604     1,755     1,746
October .......:  1,782     1,545     1,581     1,695     1,591  :: October .......:  1,882     1,725     1,628     1,799     1,820
November ......:  1,751     1,557     1,610     1,687     1,561  :: November ......:  1,866     1,788     1,690     1,856     1,812
Final .........:  1,751     1,557     1,610     1,667     1,543  :: Final .........:  1,865     1,798     1,689     1,854     1,819
This page intentionally left blank.
Soybean Frequency of Farmer Reported Row Widths - Selected States: 2020-2024
                            :                       Row width (inches)
       State and year       :----------------------------------------------------------------
                            : Less than  :            :            :            : More than
                            :   7.5 1/   :    7.5     :     15     :     30     :     30
                            :                             number
Arkansas ...............2020:     5            14           14           36           49
                        2021:     2            13           16           29           42
                        2022:     6            18           15           31           44
                        2023:     2            10           10           51           44
                        2024:     3             9           21           23           63
Illinois ...............2020:     -            11           91           44            -
                        2021:     2             7           80           38            -
                        2022:     3             3           93           44            1
                        2023:     3             7           84           39            -
                        2024:     -             7           83           32            -
Indiana ................2020:     1            11           87            8            -
                        2021:     1            14           60            8            -
                        2022:     -            11           56            6            -
                        2023:     -            11           68           11            -
                        2024:     -            12           69            5            -
Iowa ...................2020:     1             8           63           85            3
                        2021:     2             3           61           69            1
                        2022:     -             4           74           71            1
                        2023:     -             3           65           74            -
                        2024:     1             2           64           67            -
Kansas .................2020:     1             9           19           27            -
                        2021:     1            12           15           16            1
                        2022:     1             5           24           19            -
                        2023:     1             6           18           21            -
                        2024:     -             3           16           27            -
Minnesota ..............2020:     3             5           35           51            1
                        2021:     1             2           22           38            -
                        2022:     1             3           30           42            -
                        2023:     -             3           18           40            -
                        2024:     1             -           28           38            -
Missouri ...............2020:     -            13           63           20           11
                        2021:     1             6           48           21            5
                        2022:     -             7           60           16            6
                        2023:     4             8           64            8            6
                        2024:     -            11           56           30            2
Nebraska ...............2020:     -             8           39           58            1
                        2021:     1             9           31           50            4
                        2022:     2             5           25           52            7
                        2023:     -             9           33           48            2
                        2024:     1             4           24           53            -
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                  --continued
Soybean Frequency of Farmer Reported Row Widths - Selected States: 2020-2024 (continued)
                            :                       Row width (inches)
       State and year       :----------------------------------------------------------------
                            : Less than  :            :            :            : More than
                            :   7.5 1/   :    7.5     :     15     :     30     :     30
                            :                             number
North Dakota ...........2020:     7            27           48           11           -
                        2021:     -            16           55           13           -
                        2022:     6            24           47           15           -
                        2023:     1            26           41           14           -
                        2024:     -            18           54            8           -
Ohio ...................2020:     3            30           82            5           -
                        2021:     2            21           64            3           1
                        2022:     7            25           71            5           1
                        2023:     2            13           82            8           -
                        2024:     1             9           78            2           -
South Dakota ...........2020:     -             -           43           44           -
                        2021:     -             3           26           38           -
                        2022:     -             4           22           47           1
                        2023:     1             5           27           37           1
                        2024:     -             8           17           45           2
-  Represents zero.
1/ Includes broadcast soybeans.
Soybean Percentage Distribution by Measured Row Width and Average Row Width - Selected
States: 2020-2024
                            :        :             Row width (inches)             :
       State and year       :Samples :-----------------------------------------------------
                            :        :10.0 or : 10.1-  : 18.6-  : 28.6-  :34.6 or :  row
                            :        :less 1/ :  18.5  :  28.5  :  34.5  :greater :width 1/
                            : number    ---------------- percent ---------------    inches
Arkansas ...............2020:  121      12.8     11.2      3.3     25.6     47.1     29.9
                        2021:  105      11.9     15.2      6.2     30.5     36.2     27.9
                        2022:  113      13.3     14.6      2.7     25.7     43.7     28.3
                        2023:  118      10.6      5.5      4.2     39.9     39.8     30.4
                        2024:  119       6.7     13.0      4.2     22.7     53.4     30.7
Illinois ...............2020:  147       7.2     49.4     10.6     32.1      0.7     20.3
                        2021:  128       5.5     56.9      5.5     31.3      0.8     19.9
                        2022:  144       1.0     55.8     13.9     27.9      1.4     20.3
                        2023:  131       3.8     52.4     13.7     29.0      1.1     20.6
                        2024:  120       4.6     57.5     12.1     25.8        -     19.3
Indiana ................2020:  108       8.3     77.3      6.5      7.9        -     16.2
                        2021:   84      12.5     64.3     12.5     10.7        -     16.4
                        2022:   71       9.2     71.6     12.1      7.1        -     16.0
                        2023:   88       6.3     73.1     10.9      9.7        -     16.9
                        2024:   85       5.9     77.5      7.1      9.5        -     16.5
Iowa ...................2020:  162       3.4     32.4     10.8     52.2      1.2     23.8
                        2021:  136       1.5     37.5     11.0     49.3      0.7     23.6
                        2022:  153       2.9     39.9      8.2     49.0        -     23.0
                        2023:  143       2.1     39.5     10.8     47.6        -     22.9
                        2024:  134       1.5     42.2      9.3     44.8      2.2     23.3
Kansas .................2020:   57       5.3     50.9      2.6     37.7      3.5     21.1
                        2021:   49      12.2     46.0      7.1     34.7        -     19.8
                        2022:   48       9.4     44.7      4.2     41.7        -     20.9
                        2023:   42         -     44.2     14.0     39.5      2.3     22.1
                        2024:   44       2.3     31.8      6.8     59.1        -     24.1
Minnesota ..............2020:   93       7.5     19.9     15.6     54.8      2.2     24.5
                        2021:   61       4.1     14.8     23.8     57.3        -     25.2
                        2022:   77       2.6     20.1     21.4     55.9        -     24.8
                        2023:   60       4.2     17.5     20.0     57.5      0.8     25.2
                        2024:   66       1.5     16.0     24.4     58.1        -     25.6
Missouri ...............2020:  110      13.6     50.5     10.0     19.5      6.4     19.3
                        2021:   80      10.0     58.7      6.3     22.5      2.5     19.1
                        2022:   90       6.7     59.9      8.9     17.8      6.7     19.5
                        2023:   95       8.4     60.5      7.4     18.4      5.3     19.0
                        2024:   95       8.4     62.6      5.8     20.0      3.2     18.7
Nebraska ...............2020:  107       5.2     32.4     10.8     50.7      0.9     22.9
                        2021:   96       7.3     30.7      8.3     48.5      5.2     23.2
                        2022:   87       6.9     21.8      4.6     59.8      6.9     25.9
                        2023:   90       5.0     26.8     14.5     48.7      5.0     24.2
                        2024:   77       3.9     28.6      7.1     60.4        -     24.3
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                --continued
Soybean Percentage Distribution by Measured Row Width and Average Row Width - Selected
States: 2020-2024 (continued)
                            :        :             Row width (inches)             :
       State and year       :Samples :-----------------------------------------------------
                            :        :10.0 or : 10.1-  : 18.6-  : 28.6-  :34.6 or :  row
                            :        :less 1/ :  18.5  :  28.5  :  34.5  :greater :width 1/
                            : number    --------------- percent ---------------     inches
North Dakota ...........2020:   92      21.7     48.9     17.4     12.0       -      16.1
                        2021:   85      18.2     44.1     27.1     10.6       -      17.2
                        2022:   95      23.2     47.3     12.6     15.3     1.6      16.9
                        2023:   81      21.1     42.3     21.1     15.5       -      17.3
                        2024:   79      10.8     51.9     25.9     11.4       -      17.7
Ohio ...................2020:  121      25.6     67.0      3.3      4.1       -      14.1
                        2021:   92      25.0     67.3      3.3      3.3     1.1      14.1
                        2022:  107      19.6     72.5      2.8      4.2     0.9      14.7
                        2023:  105      11.9     75.7      6.7      5.7       -      15.7
                        2024:   88       7.9     85.3      3.4      3.4       -      15.2
South Dakota ...........2020:   88         -     24.6     27.4     46.3     1.7      24.2
                        2021:   64       3.1     14.8     33.6     46.2     2.3      24.4
                        2022:   74       2.0     14.9     22.3     59.4     1.4      25.7
                        2023:   71       2.8     16.2     23.2     55.7     2.1      25.3
                        2024:   71       3.5     21.1     16.2     57.8     1.4      24.9
-    Represents zero.
(NA) Not available.
1/   Broadcast soybeans included as "10.0 inches or less" but excluded in computation of
     average width.

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