STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. New Alfalfa Seedings -- 2022-24

New Seedings of Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixtures - States and United States: 2022-2024
               :                              Area seeded
     State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
               :         2022          :         2023          :         2024
               :                              1,000 acres
Arizona .......:            30                      60                      40
Arkansas 1/ ...:             1                       1                    (NA)
California ....:            60                      70                      85
Colorado ......:            55                      80                     100
Connecticut ...:             1                       1                       1
Delaware ......:             1                       2                       1
Idaho .........:           100                     100                     115
Illinois ......:            30                      25                      35
Indiana .......:            40                      30                      30
Iowa ..........:            75                      70                      80
Kansas ........:            50                      90                      50
Kentucky ......:            10                       8                       9
Maine .........:             2                       1                       2
Maryland ......:             2                       1                       8
Massachusetts .:             1                       1                       1
Michigan ......:            60                      50                      60
Minnesota .....:           135                      75                     130
Missouri ......:            15                      30                      30
Montana .......:            60                      95                     125
Nebraska ......:           110                     115                      90
Nevada ........:            23                      15                      24
New Hampshire .:             1                       1                       1
New Jersey ....:             2                       2                       2
New Mexico ....:            10                      20                      10
New York ......:            60                      70                     100
North Carolina :             3                       2                       1
North Dakota ..:            55                      60                      50
Ohio ..........:            40                      30                      40
Oklahoma ......:            55                      70                      30
Oregon ........:            35                      20                      20
Pennsylvania ..:            50                      50                      50
South Dakota ..:            70                      95                     110
Tennessee .....:             3                       2                       1
Texas .........:            15                      21                      10
Utah ..........:            50                      60                      60
Vermont .......:             2                       3                       2
Virginia ......:             7                       6                       6
Washington ....:            60                      50                      65
West Virginia .:             1                       1                       1
Wisconsin .....:           260                     210                     240
Wyoming .......:            35                      50                      35
United States .:         1,675                   1,743                   1,850
(NA) Not available.
1/   Estimates discontinued in 2024.

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